As the blood ran in rivulets down the edge of his blade, the demon he had plunged it into staggered to his knees. The traitorous youkai glared up at him even as the life was draining from his eyes, and when he spat his final words, splatters of blood flew from his lips.
"You will doom your nation for the sake of one human bitch, Sesshomaru. If you will not listen to what the counsel tells you, then you will fail. If you continue to pursue this folly, you will kill us all. Is she worth it, Sesshomaru? Is it worth a kingdom?"
Those words echoed in his head long after he mercilessly dispatched his soon-to-be mate's attempted murderer. He pondered them as he cleaned the blood from his person, and his blade. He scraped the flesh from his boots, and then turned his poison on the remains. As the body dissolved away with a sigh of death and the sharp, dangerous green mist of his poison, he allowed a frown to cross his lips.
He thought of Kagome, with her wild hair and her bright eyes. He thought of her purity and her warmth, of her kisses and her smiles. He sheathed Bakusaiga with a hiss of steel, nodding to himself. Looking back at the faintly bubbling puddle of bloody goo, he spoke aloud to his long gone adversary.
"Indeed, I can think of nothing more worth it."
A/N: This prompt is from Sunset Miko's Once a Week Challenge. It was Kingdom. Word count: 274 1/5/13