Conundrum by Luna C.

Second Chance

Riku Ryuu’s Random Prompts

Prompt: Star

Word Count: 300

-Second Chance-

At first, it was blurry.

Several blinks and his vision was cleared. A delicate breeze fluttered by, and the stars scintillated from the canopies of the surrounding trees. The grass stalks seemed a distance away, and he furrowed his brow at that speculation. Sesshomaru sluggishly sat up, the dull ache of his chest thumping. He noticed everything was in place; the Tenseiga remained throbbing in its sheath while Tokijin remained slackly grasped in his hand. He gritted his teeth, lethargically standing; his sight wavered at the movement before becoming fixated at the abnormality of the vicinity. Gathering his bearings, he scrutinized that the surrounding stalks shouldn’t overshadow his physique. Contemplating on this, he couldn’t recall what transpired. He remembered sending his ward and retainer off, and then…blank. It was frustrating, and peculiar.

Another breeze and the redolence of blood permeated through his nose. Following the metallic scent, Sesshomaru came upon a rather ethereal sight, if it wasn’t for the repugnant stench of blood and bowel excretion that saturated the land. He crinkled his nose before advancing, Tenseiga’s reverberation and humming intensified at the close proximity. The human’s eyes were open but vacant, faded into a grayish-hue, while her mouth lingered open in a silent scream. A dabble of crusted blood slithered out her nose, coating the side of her cheek. Unsheathing the blade, visions of minions from the underworld manifested, their tools of harvesting dead souls in their tiny grasps while the large soul of the human remained caught between the mortal body and the hellish embrace. Chains enveloped the soul, constricting the essence into submission. His eyes narrowed, the hilt of the blade scalding his hand, its urgency to save the woman was perplexing.

He slashed the parasitic demons, and watched as the soul returned to its mortal enclosure.


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