Disclaimer: Though it saddens me to say it, I don’t own anything relating to Takahashi-sensei’s Inuyasha. However, the plot and/or ideas of this drabble series do belong to me.
A/N: On an updating spree today. Muse disappeared for a bit. :/ I’ve got a couple more sitting on the back burner. I hope y’all missed this one. :)
Chapter 124: Interlude
He loved her.
In the depths of his heart, his affection simmered, growing ever larger with each passing day. Her eyes, her laugh, her smile… Everything that made up the small–incredible–slip of a woman.
His soul yearned for hers, fluttering and fragile, delicate in its endeavors, yet unyielding in its pursuits. Her innocence captivated him, captured his attention so thoroughly that the air he breathed was no longer enough to sustain him. Upon meeting her, he found that he would always need more, the incessant craving almost too much to handle. She was corruption in the sweetest form. An addiction. A guilty pleasure. A drug.
He was a selfish creature. That he knew. He wanted to keep her close always–heaven forbid as a possession–because she was a treasure worth keeping. If she asked it of him, he would hide her away in a place no one else could ever reach. He would build a home where only the two of them mattered. And if she ever became lonely, he would be by her side, offering reassurances and comfort. He would care for her the best he could and keep her safe from any that would harm her.
Alas, it was a fantasy that plagued him, borne from dreams of desperation and crippling insecurities. That was only the extent of what it was: a mere fantasy–a fool’s dream. The scourge of Fate.
Just as he knew he could not live without her, her future no longer existed with him in it.
Original Posting Date: May 15, 2013
Prompt: Sunset Miko’s Once a Week Challenge, Innocent
Words: 250
A/N: I didn’t address it before, but S’s doing a lot of flip-flopping with the whole “mate” subject. His initial reason for not mating with K is due to the immortality aftereffect. He did consider the bond as shown in Ch. 122, but only because he was worried about K’s recent injuries and not thinking clearly.