Dearly Beloved by Aviel


Disclaimer: Though it saddens me to say it, I don’t own anything relating to Takahashi-sensei’s Inuyasha. However, the plot and/or ideas of this drabble series do belong to me.

A/N: Does this fic make any sense to you? Because when it’s in my head, it sounds awesome…until I start writing stuff down, and then it turns into this. :/ Btw, this beast of a chapter is told entirely in the narrator’s POV. The rating has also gone up to M for future language & graphic content. Update 2 of 2.

Chapter 11: Complications

It was during their senior year of high school that they had their very first fight.

After Sesshoumaru’s impromptu confession that winter night, the couple had decided to make their new relationship public. Their friends had been accepting of the change, not in the least bothered because the two were always close anyway. They had figured it was only natural that the best friends had ended up together.

However, it had been a completely different story for the rest of their classmates and peers, especially for a particular set of jealous twins.

Naraku and Kagura Onigumo.

The pair had been known for their conniving ways and underhanded tactics to get whatever they wanted. They were as eerie and unsettling as the red contacts and malicious grins they wore. No one had ever wanted to be the target of their interests because both were relentless in their pursuit to possess whomever was unfortunate enough.

And it was just a coincidence that their obsessions at the time happened to be Sesshoumaru Taishou and Kagome Higurashi.

The devious twins had concocted a plan in which they would separate the two lovebirds, ruthlessly betray their trust in each other, and then seduce them for themselves.

But while they thought everything was foolproof, they hadn’t counted on a wildcard in the form of one Kouga Yamanaka.

. . .

My woman!”

Kagome rolled her eyes at the deep voice that was yelling for her. She also pretended not to notice how Sesshoumaru quickened his pace and tightened his grip on her hand.

Unfortunately for them both, the sound of footsteps only came closer until a tall male blocked their path. The girl spared Sesshoumaru an uneasy glance and then greeted the newcomer with a tight smile.

Hello, Kouga-kun! What’s up?”

The boy grinned and pushed his ponytail over his shoulder, totally oblivious of her strained tone. “I was calling you back there, Kagome! But I guess you didn’t hear me, huh?”

No…” she trailed off. “I guess not. Did you need something?”

Kouga blushed when she gazed at him. “Uh, I heard that Onigumo wants to talk to you.”

At this, Sesshoumaru narrowed his eyes. “Which one?” he demanded.

Naraku,” Kouga replied, lip curled up in disdain. “That guy gives me the creeps though. I don’t think you should meet him alone, Kagome.”

Kagome gave him a genuine smile. “Thanks for worrying about me, Kouga-kun. But I’m pretty sure Sesshoumaru wouldn’t mind tagging along with me.” She nudged her displeased companion with her shoulder. “Right, Maru-kun?”

But as Sesshoumaru opened his mouth to respond, Kouga spoke again.

Well, that’s the problem. Kagura said she needed him to help her with something.”

It was Kagome’s turn to glare at the dark-haired teenager.

Why?” she bit out.

It was no secret that the shamelessly flirtatious girl had a crush on Kagome’s aloof boyfriend. And it bothered her to no end because Sesshoumaru was both hers and currently unavailable. So, as far as she was concerned, the other girl could just back off.

Kouga quickly put his hands up in defense, startled by her sudden change in mood. “Hey, all I’m saying is that it just seems a little too suspicious. I don’t trust them as far as I could throw them, you know!”

Kagome relaxed her shoulders but remained tense. She sighed as she ran a hand through her hair–a nervous gesture of hers that the two boys were aware of.

What should we do then?” she asked.

Well, I could go with you to see the creep,” Kouga offered, ignoring the icy look Sesshoumaru sent him. “Your boyfriend can take care of himself.” He smirked slyly. “But if he doesn’t, I’ll leave that up to you.”

Okay. I’m counting on you, Kouga-kun,” the female said. She turned toward Sesshoumaru and pecked his cheek. “If you let her touch you, I’ll kill you.”

He gave an undignified snort.

. . . 

Ooh, Kagome-chan,” Naraku purred, smirking when he saw Kagome shiver as she made her way toward him.

His red eyes were glittering with something she couldn’t name, and a cold chill rippled down her spine. But because she had been reassured that Kouga would be watching their interaction, she kept her cool and didn’t freak out like she had wanted to.


Naraku tutted softly. “As formal as ever, my dear! How do you expect us to be close if you always keep me at arm’s distance?”

Force of habit, I suppose,” she answered, unapologetic. “I heard you were looking for me.”

Well, yes,” he murmured, rubbing his chin in thought. “For a surprise!”

Kagome carefully left her face blank, pushing down the rising urge to flee. “Unfortunately, I don’t like surprises, Onigumo-san. So if I could cut this short, I–”

Oh, no. That won’t do. You’re not allowed to escape me, Ka-Go-Me.”

The grin on Naraku’s face was incredibly deranged, and Kagome gulped in panic. The corners of his lips stretched his mouth wide as he advanced toward her slowly. The poor girl backed away from him on shaky legs, while her eyes kept darting from his face to his arms that were hidden behind his back.

She was really starting to regret meeting him at the only secluded spot at their school, where there wouldn’t be any witnesses around…


There was Kouga!

She halted in her retreat and took a firm stance, confident that her friend would arrive to help her out soon. Her hope died quickly, however, when Naraku let out a terrifying chuckle.

Yamanaka-kun won’t be joining us. You see, I’m afraid that he just got into a horrible accident a little while ago. In his condition, I’d be surprised if he ever walks again.”

Fury overriding fear, Kagome gritted her teeth, hands clenched. “You bastard! What did you do!?”

The crazed male smiled as he revealed a bloody butterfly knife in his hand and waved it around nonchalantly.

Oh, you know. I might have made a couple of incisions here and there–nothing too fancy. His legs were my masterpiece though!”

You…” Kagome shook in barely-concealed rage. “You… monster!”

Why, thank you!” Naraku bowed mockingly. “Now, would you be a dear and come along quietly? I’d like to start on my next work of art as soon as possible.”

Screw you!”

Mmm… maybe later,” he replied, licking his lips. While he paused to push his wavy hair out of his face, he failed to see her big, yellow backpack flying toward his head. “Oomph!” Stunned, he lost his balance and dropped the knife.

Taking no chances, Kagome immediately kicked it away from him and stood over his fallen form, bag held high over her head.

Serves you right, jackass! I hope prison sucks!”

And she swung down.

. . . 

Kagome! Kagome!”

The girl in question looked up from Kouga’s body on the gurney just in time to see Sesshoumaru push his way past a few paramedics. Alarmed, a couple of the police officers went to stop him, but thought better of it when Kagome intercepted them and shook her head.

It’s okay. He’s my boyfriend.”

Before she knew it, she was instantly engulfed in a crushing hug. After about a minute of him murmuring sweet nothings into her hair, she placed her hands on his chest so that he could give her some space. And for a moment, as she looked into his eyes, she saw red lining his citrine hues. But when she blinked, they were normal again. How strange… She must have been more affected by the recent ordeal than she thought.

Are you alright?” Sesshoumaru asked her, eyes tracing every inch of her for any signs of injury.

I’m fine.”

How is he?” They both turned to see Kouga being lifted into the back of an ambulance.

She sighed. “He’s stable, but it’s going to take a while for his wounds to heal. He also needs surgery for his Achilles tendons since the bastard sliced them clean through. If it’s successful, he’ll have to go to therapy for a few weeks.”

I see.”

Kagome draped her arms around his waist. “What about you? What happened on your end with Kagura?”

Sesshoumaru scowled. “She tried to force herself onto me.”

Her gaze narrowed, and she dug her fingers into his back through his shirt. “And?”

I locked her in a storage closet.”


Really,” he answered dryly.

Kagome burst out laughing. “I can’t believe you did that!”

Pinching her cheek, he retorted, “At least I did not knock her out with my backpack.”

Hey! It was self-defense! It was either that or my shoes!”

Your shoes?”

Ugh! Don’t even go there, mister, or I’m going home without you!”


What?” she growled.

Sesshoumaru swooped down and stole a kiss. A smug expression crossed his features when she sputtered incoherently and her face burned scarlet.

Inwardly, he worried about what she would do if she ever learned the truth…

That Kagura was dead because he’d melted her with his poison.


Original Posting Date: December 22, 2012

Prompt: For Dokuga_Contest’s “Cherry on Top” Challenge, Rocky Road

Words: 1550