Dangerous Dance
Lady Nefertiti
Prompt 143: Test
For Chie’s April Monthly Prompt: Test
General Soji along with some soldiers from the imperial army shifted feeling nervous (after hearing that Kagome would be joining them into the palace as a highly skilled Miko) some feeling uneasy about this whole situation. One wanted to open his mouth and voice his opinion but quickly shut it after another guard shook his head at him to not say anything.
‘Soji. A general from the Imperial army of the west.’ Kagome thought peeking from behind Sesshomaru not noticing her hand was on Sessshomaru’s arm holding onto his silk sleeve. Lucky Him. Both actually. Many demons---what with their colored eyes and chiseled (shaped) bodies were all mostly good-looking---Sesshomaru included. Those Amber eyes of his and she sighed biting her lip. ‘Demons….’
Suddenly she had an inferiority complex of sorts and decided hiding behind Sesshomaru was for the best. Surely this was a test on whether Sesshomaru liked her or not! As herself or maybe just because she was Miko!? GASP! This was horrible! What should she do? Something a little extra for him to notice her?
“Sesshomaru-sama...I….” Soji started. This Miko was acting a little odd for any other Miko’s he’d come into contact with. The aura she was giving off didn’t seem hostile or threatening which was also very odd. Was she testing them? She surely was very brave woman since demons could and would see right through her. Suddenly there was silence and a……
“Hiiieeee-yaaaah!” as someone came zooming through the tree tops---Tarzan style.
“Sesshomaru----you Bastard! You sure know how to test my patience!” Inuyasha roared to the heavens above and landed in front of him, striking an impressive pose, sword out and all. Everyone in the army tensed. They knew Inuyasha and his brash behavior towards his half-brother---and that he meant no real harm but…..
“Indeed.” Sesshomaru said, rather amused than insulted. He could sense Kagome behind him and her aura rise (about to purify Inuyasha’s ass to hell or further) maybe in embarrassment? One could never tell and he smirked inwardly. “Hnn…” as he waited for his ‘little brother’ to open his mouth to further agitate his army.
“Keh. You two…walking around in the dark of the night doing whatever…” Inuyasha started looking annoyed (like those two were definitely up to ‘no good’).
“Hn. Everyone should be returning to the village now. This Sesshomaru and Kagome will follow shortly behind.” He said.
“Hell NO! I ain’t leaving you two behind ALONE!” Inuyasha said. Sesshomaru thought he ruled here too?!
And poor Inuyasha saw stars…..
“Sorry about that! He hasn’t learned his manners yet!” Sango said in a cheery voice, relieved she’d arrived in time, before Inuyasha was ‘done for’
“Btw what test are we talking about? Will it be multiple choice? Or maybe ‘may the best Demon win?” Sango started looking confused.
“SANGO! This isn’t a dating game! Or a ‘mating game!’ Kagome said peeking from behind Sesshomaru wanting to sink into the ground.
“Hn…Kagome?” Sesshomaru said turning around to look down at her and she swallowed nervously.
“Ha-ha uh yes?” she said. That devilish ‘wanting’ look on his face made her want to run---very far away.
Lady Nefertiti: lol…Please read and review! Thanks! :)