Dangerous Dance
Lady Nefertiti
Prompt 141: Family
For Chie’s November Word Prompt.
-With Kagome and Sesshomaru- (in the very dark forest)
She felt him ‘nick/bite’ her neck affectionately as they moved slightly deeper into the Forest. There were soldiers everywhere looking for them. It wouldn’t do for them all to see her and Sesshomaru doing….doing what exactly? They weren’t doing anything bad! Well nothing that could really harm her right? It’s not like they were having sex. Real sex! She wasn’t going to have his pups and all! Yeah ha-ha!
Uhh….and she gulped knowing that sounded really lame and wondered what to do. She was in a situation of sorts. Besides she was Inuyasha’s intended mate and then looked up into Sesshomaru’s hungry amber eyes and felt his body inside her.
Well But for how long? Sesshomaru didn’t look like he was about to back down---or leave her as she felt him deepen inside her. Was he about to tear into her virginity? For real?
But this was hardly the romantic place to make love!
That was hardly the problem at the moment though…..
“So uhh..time for what?” Kagome said recalling what he said a while ago getting nervous as his face came close to her neckline like he was going to ‘bite’ down hard and mark her.
“Hnn…so Kagome want to start a family right away hmm?” Sesshomaru said in his naughty way and looked into her eyes with a devilish grin---fangs and all. A look which said they were already ‘right there’ and ‘ready to go’
“Huh?” Kagome said. Where did the real Sesshomaru go? Did he even know what he was saying? Was this his inner beast? Wait hold on...…pups? They hadn’t even talked about having pups yet! She was too young! But they didn’t have a ‘right age to have kids’ in the past did they? And Sesshomaru was a demon---a hot one and why would she disagree?----but that wasn’t the point!
Kagome’s heart skipped a beat as she heard footsteps. Soldiers. Maybe. They were looking for the pair.
“Unfortunately it seems we will have to talk about having a family later.” Sesshomaru said as he fixed their clothes again and Kagome felt his warmth leave her--- sorely disappointed and had this urge to purify whoever had just interrupted them. Even if it was a renowned (famous, legendary, well-known) General from Sesshomaru’s army. She saw Sesshomaru crack a knuckle looking annoyed.
-With the tachi- (in the hut)
“I swear those two are always up to no good! Even back when we were stuck in the future! Always having time to themselves alone! I’d be damned if those two aren’t mated already. Kagome being a Miko can hide his scent on her--- from everyone who was wondering. The hell with them wanting to start a family already! GAH!” Inuyasha told the whole hut and paced back and forth in the hut. Since when did Sesshomaru have a thing for humans anyway? Sure he kept some in his employ at the palace but that was that!
Miroku got this hentai grin on his face—a suggestive look at Sango--- and she sighed loudly not wanting to hit Miroku ‘upside the head’ for being a hentai. His grin was just too cute….
Besides she was rather curious too….
“I’m sure the soldiers will find them safe and sound” Sango said trying to reassure Inuyasha. How they would find the pair---and doing what---she wasn’t so sure about. Inwardly she wondered why Inuyasha wasn’t storming into the forest himself looking for the both. He was a demon too and would be able to locate them.
“She’s MY intended mate! And Sesshomaru knows that better than anyone—us being demons and all. You cannot snatch someone’s mate! And he’s from ROYAL Demon court running the western lands and all!” Inuyasha said and continued to pace.
“But she’s not your mate is she?” Sango said inwardly with a small smile and wondered this was why Inuyasha wasn’t barging into that forest. Sesshomaru was a threat---yes--- but even Inuyasha knew Sesshomaru would really kill him or his soldiers--- the western army would first. With their ‘How dare you attack out lord and whatnot’
Sesshomaru still could claim Kagome as his mate. It would make any male nervous about their ‘intended’ (female who they technically thought they were supposed to marry/mate) be taken away.
Then Inuyasha shook his head. It’s not like Kagome would really mate Sesshomaru! Ha-ha! What a silly thought. What was he thinking? Them two. Fall in love. Mate. Have a family together? Cute little princes and princesses?
Inuyasha? He was just being paranoid. And that was that.
Lady Nefertiti: Please read and review! Thanks! :)