Dangerous Dance
Lady Nefertiti
Prompt 137: Red Spider Lily (never to meet again, lost memory, abandonment)
Theme: HanaKotoba (SessXKag challenge 2019)
The rest of the tachi---along with the western soldiers were making their way back to the village. Miroku had his arm around Sango (in a non-lecherous way) making sure she didn’t trip over anything or fall down. It was too quiet and only silent footsteps were heard. The soldiers hadn’t noticed something very important. As if all memories of ‘what their job entailed’ and what they were supposed to be doing? Overworked?
Inuyasha who was following them from the back---arms crossed---was mumbling that ‘he wasn’t done with Sesshomaru’ yet and kick his royal ass to hell or further. Then make Kagome his mate.
-With Sango-
It was only her who saw Kagome take off and Sesshomaru follow after all---a grin on her face wondering what they were up to. Of course she wasn’t going to tell on them. Surprised no one had noticed them literally ‘disappearing’ on them. Even Kagome deserved fun once in a while.
She inwardly naughtily wondered if they would return as mates. Even Sesshomaru had so much self-control. How he’d managed back in the future was as good as anyone’s guess. Besides they’d have the cutest babies! No the cutest pups!
“Lady Sango? Is something the matter?” Miroku asked her kindly. He grinned inwardly. Even he---with a hentai radar the size of Japan could pick it up.
Abandoning the pair to be alone together might prove to be fun….
Everyone needed Physical activity…..
“Hey uh Sango?” Miroku said looking extremely hopeful.
Lady Nefertiti: Miorku having the same thoughts? Lol… Please read and review! Thanks.