Dangerous Dance by Lady Nefertiti

Prompt 134: Hanakotoba: Carnation

Dangerous Dance

Lady Nefertiti


Prompt 134: Carnation (Fascination, distinction, love)

Theme: HanaKotoba (SessXKag challenge 2019)

-Kaede’s village-

Kagome who was currently walking behind Sesshomaru sighed as she saw Sesshomaru’s pristine white Haori in front of her. No time for romantic thoughts. Inuyasha really knew how to screw up the moment. Seemed like she’d have to take or rather kidnap Sesshomaru alone? For some one-on one alone quality time? Not to mention---now with all these soldiers hovering around them---- that was going to be hard.


“Kagome!” Sango called from behind her and broke into a fast jog of sorts. Damn this girl (Kagome) walked fast. Inuyasha was in love with her---yes that was right but his affections were a little….well he couldn’t have two mates and every inu-youkai knew that!

At first Sango thought Sesshomaru was just trying to set ‘order’ in the tachi---being he was supposed to be Alpha of their pack. (Of course Inuyasha loved to hear that).

…Then Sango thought Sesshomaru was just trying to protect Kagome (being she was the Alpha female) and he was just interested in her? Fascinated? as a powerful human and a Miko (with a large mouth to do dirty things with---of course Sango had no idea what these two were up to in the future). Huh?

Kagome stopped suddenly as Sango almost ran into her. What?  

“Hey you two!” Kagome said wondering to feel annoyed and irritated or angry. These two puppies! What were they going to do? Fight? Yell? Kill each other?

‘You know you don’t want to be Inuyasha’s intended anymore Kagome’ her inner conscious taunted her. Telling her she should’ve seen it coming.

“Hn. Like This Sesshomaru said. Kagome doesn’t have your mark. How could she be your mate?” he said.

“I SAW her first! And everyone knows you hate humans.” Inuyasha said. Why was Sesshomaru doing this?! Was this his ‘When will Inuyasha finally crack method?’

“Hn. As this Sesshomaru distinctly remembers. I HAD her first. She just hasn’t been marked yet.” Sesshomaru said with a smirk. He wondered why he was doing this. It was fun?

“DA’ FUCK?!” Inuyasha yelled to all of the Sengoku Jidai. His eyes flashed red and Kagome’s heart skipped a beat. He was about to lunge at Sesshomaru when Kagome yelled her famous “SIT BOY!”


“Kagome!” Sango chided her, arms crossed like Kagome really had done something bad. 

“I didn’t! We didn’t! I uhh…..I mean we just like kissed and errr he...it was all his fault!” Kagome said pointing turning red gulping thinking she REALLY had done the dirty with Sesshomaru!


“Well my mate….” Sesshomaru sent her a heart-stopping smirk and she giggled nervously looking for the nearest exit. She blinked up into his amber eyes---and as what he was handing to her. Huh? Why? “This Sesshomaru’s love for you of course mate.” As he handed her a red carnation from the ground. 

"Thanks." Kagome said with a blush. First guy to give her a flower.....

Sango grinned. Anyone who saw this would think these two were in love whispering to each other in the moonlight......

“Fireworks indeed.” Miroku said from the sidelines, arms crossed in the dark. Seemed like things would start to get interesting from here.


Lady Nefertiti: expect some ooc from my fics lol… Please read and review! Thanks.