Dangerous Dance
Lady Nefertiti
The Egyptian Challenge
Prompt: Geb: god of earth (Inu-papa)
-Kagome’s room-
“This is your fault.” Sesshomaru and Inuyasha said together. They had stopped (right before they attacked and destroyed Kagome’s home) and put their swords away. Kagome had fainted and it was more important to see to her rather than quarrel amongst each other. Sango was beside her, a worried expression. They’d never get to the feudal era at this rate!
Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when Kagome’s eyes opened, somewhat confused though. She looked around and sat up with Sango’s help. Sesshomaru, your father Geb…ruler of the earth....how come he didn’t rear Inuyasha to….” She started.
“This Sesshomaru’s great father’s name is not this ‘Geb’ fellow my love. Are you feeling well?” he asked really concerned now.
“Oi! We ain’t done yet bastard!” Inuyasha said. How dare Sesshomaru call Kagome his love?
“Is your mother Nut (Inu-mama) alive Sesshomaru? How come you don’t have more siblings? Your parents are supposed to always be having sex? like involved in eternal sex?” Kagome asked innocently.
No Kagome was not feeling fine…at all.
Lady Nefertiti: Kagome must've hit her head....really hard lol... Please read and review! thanks.