How to Avoid Family Dinners by Opal-Dreams

How to Avoid Family Dinners

Disclaimer: I don’t own Inuyasha or its characters. Rumiko Takahashi who owns him and the entire cast.

By: year of the snake (at fanfiction) (aka.) crescentmoon (at mediaminer) And now Opal-Dreams on DeviantArt and Dokuga.

How to Avoid Family Dinner

Sesshoumaru looked at the calender and groaned. 'Inuyasha really shouldn't be allowed to cook. He's the worst cook since time began. There's only one way to avoid the weekly family dinner, going out with a girl.” He looked at the calendar again. “At times like this there's only one thing to do.”

Ring. Ring.

“Hello?” a female voice asked in frustration.

“Go to dinner with me.”

“I can't tonight Sesshoumaru-san, I've got to study. Test Friday.”

“I'll pay.” he enticed.

“No dice. It's a math test.”

“I'll also help you study.”

“I'm yours. Can you pick me up? I'm starving.”

“Ten minutes. Can your stomach stand that long?”

“Only if you don't hit every light.”

He “hmned” into the phone. “I'll inform the traffic lights of your wishes, your highness.”

“Look Sesshoumaru-san, if I don't pass this test I'll have to retake the entire course, so I can't waste time on the phone.”

“Just don't come out of your dorm with pajama bottoms on again girl.” Then he hung up.

“Girl!” she huffed glaring at the phone. “Well, I have news for you Mr. self-made man, you're an ancient, monster, who's desperate enough to call your brother's girlfriend to avoid his cooking!” Then she tossed the phone on the couch and picked up a throw pillow. She banged the throw pillow into her face a few times before screaming into it.

Finally, she looked at the clock and yipped. To her room she dashed like a chased rabbit.

She debated for a time, should she dawn her pajama bottoms just to spite her stuck up 'friend'?

When she exited her dorm that evening in a jean skirt and a white t-shirt Sesshoumaru said, “At least you look presentable, Kagome-san... for a human.”

She restrained herself so she wouldn't deck him.

AN: You all are going to get tired of me. I wrote this 'cause I'm avoiding my bed.


AN#2: I wrote this for one of Dokuga-Contest's 300 word perfect prompts, but I can't remember which one. I just found this one and noticed that I had never put it up anywhere else. So here it is.