the things this Sesshoumaru would do... by *~*Missy*~*

A little fauvism in my day

It was the next day and Kagome was thankfully taking a break from her normal studies to study something else that was supposed to help her, art.  She was not an avid art fan, she had went with her father when she was young before he had passed away and then after that in his memory.  But she never really knew much about the artists, movements, or what spurned them on.  It was today that Mana took her somewhere in the castle that contained a large amount of art.  

As they look on the walls she noticed that some of these pieces were from the future.  This made her curious but she did not doubt that Sesshomaru was such an avid collect that he would find a way to retrieve them from the future.  They stop in front of one in particular.  It was a painting by Matisse, she had heard about him in her history class, he had inspired an entire style of art orginating in Paris.

"Kagome, this is one of Matisse's more famous paintings, from close to your time I believe.  The style in which this is painted is called the fauvism style.  He inspired many other artists to pursue in his steps."  Mana said as he looked at his pupil.

"Why do I need to know this again Mana?"

"Because demon lords love to talk boring things, and their most prevalent conversation topic is art.  Believe me it will come in handy."

Challenge: Obscue Word Challenge

Prompt:: Fauvism- movement in painting characterized by vivid colors and free treatment of form. It was popular in Paris during 1905/early 20th century. Some call Matisse a leader of this movement.

Words: 246