Snow by Kuropii


Prompt: dokuga_contest's Silk Anniversary Challenge

Word Count: 1305

This stupid thing gave me ideas for a whole chapter fic... And this is what happens when you tried to write a cute fluffy fic while listening to sad love songs... Damn my playlist. I really feel like I lost my mojo at the end.



  Kagome tugged on the weathered rope ladder that had been her way out of the well for many years, satisfied that it would still be able to holder her she climbed up. She hauled herself over the lip, she tossed her bag to the ground and climbed the rest of the way out of the well. She pulled her arm up over her head and dipped her upper body in a stretch before taking in her surroundings.

  It had snowed in her absence, she had only been gone for roughly a day and a half but it looked like it had been snowing for weeks. She hummed and figured that was the difference between smog filled skies and untouched nature. Biting on her lower lip she looked around her clearing, wondering if anyone was around, completely satisfied after doing a magical sweep with her power. She let go of the well and bounded through the snow in childlike glee.

  The miko skidded and slid through the snow on her knees before standing again and twirling, arms held out high, as the white flakes began to fall again. She laughed and stuck her tongue out to catch the crystalline ice.

  And that was how he found her, tongue out, drenched jeans (she had informed him), and arms fully extended at her sides. He 'hn'ed to get her attention, it worked, she stayed the way she was though except for she was know looking at him through the corners of her eyes, and a beautifully pink blush tinted her cheeks.

  Sesshoumaru, ruler of dogs and Lord of the West, tilted his head, a small smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. He waited for an explination but she gave none. He watched as she tugged the faux furred hood of her jacket up and over her head, he made a move to catch her as she fell but stopped himself, realizing she caused it, not a simple slip or misstep.

  He snorted when puffs of snow flew up after she hit the ground with a thud, a small “oof” escaping her lips. Snow was not an ideal material to land on, it's soft and comfy looking mounds where a lie. Sesshoumaru trudged through the snow to the Kagome like crater, and peered down, the snow almost deep enough to swallow her.

  She lifted her arm and reached for him. He grasped her hand without hesitation and pulled her out of her glistening tomb. Having stepped on her own shoe and tripped she now laid against the demon lord's chest, her hands gripping the cold metal spikes of his armor to keep herself up.

  She let her head rest against his chest when he didn't remove her, a small smile ghosted over her lips, she was content. The white of his hair drew her gaze and she spoke.

“I love the snow.” She trailed off, running her free hand over the white hair, threading her fingers through the silken strands.

  The demon spoke as he gestured to the once pristine clearing, now marred with her many foot prints. “This Sesshoumaru assumed as much.” He shifted his gaze to the top of her head, black strands shining blue in the sun lite. “You should head back to my brother.”

Kagome's brow furrowed in a deep frown, shifting she let her forehead rest against his chest, hand still tangled in his silken locks.

“I don't want to, I like it here.”

  Sesshoumaru let his hand and claw tipped figures trail up her back to tangle itself in her black curls, before he could stop himself a growl of comfort rumbled through his chest. She gripped onto his armor harder and buried her face deeper into his haori, a small tear escaped her closed lids. Sesshoumaru wrapped his free arm around her, hand coming to rest on her hip.

  It had been four years since the death of Naraku, four years since her feelings had started to bud for the demon lord and three years since Inuyasha's proposal, she had accepted. She know nothing would have come for a relationship with Sesshoumaru, even if he had returned her feelings, which she knew he wouldn't, or that was what she thought before she had seen the look on his face when she and Inuyasha had announce their engagement to their combined pack.

  She had wanted to left herself fall, to cry, to scream, to chase after him when he had left the camp and their pack that night. She thought that was it, she would never see him again. She had wanted to call it off with Inuyasha and chase after the one demon who had always been her constant long before she even realized it. But every time she tried, every time she looked into the honey eyes of her dearest friend and saw the love that was now there for her and only her, she couldn't bring herself to do it.

  After living months with a broken heart and no sign of a fix, she had begun to wish that the next demon they fought would simply end it for her. Nine months in, her wish was granted. She had been separated from her group and had been run through by one of their attackers. She had smiled at the male and thanked him before she collapsed, lost to the world.

  But the sweet embrace of darkness was not meant for her, not yet. She groaned and twisted in his arms before looking up into the amber eyes she had been longing for. She cried then, truly cried.

  Sesshoumaru had kissed her, and she had kissed him back with just as much force and feeling. Longing from the time they spent near each other and from being separated, and the fear of being ripped away from each other again. Sesshoumaru had pulled back and flicked his eyes to the nape of her neck and had been tempted to erase the temporary mark left by his brother with his own. He would have if the half demon hadn't chose that moment to find them.

  Inuyasha had collapsed upon seeing Kagome, the most of her sweater stained with blood. He had cried, had thanked Sesshoumaru for bringing Kagome back to him, had called him 'brother', he had meant it. Inuyasha took Kagome from the demon lord's arms and her heart shattered again from being taken from the one she loved and for the one she didn't love as he loved her.

Rescuing her from her memories Sesshoumaru spoke, “I could simply take you from him, as his lord it is my right.”

  A small smile graced her lips, “That would definitely make things so much easier.” After a moment she shook her head. “I can't do that to him.” Sesshoumaru hooked his long fingers under her chin and tipped her head, ocean blue met golden amber.

“Kagome, I have chosen your for my mate, there while be no other.”

Kagome's grip on his armor tightened, a smile played at her lips, “I love you too.” A pleased growl rumbled through his chest.

“Then you will talk to him?”

  Her brow furrowed and she chewed her lip nervously. Sesshoumaru growled and bent his head to nip at her ear.

“He has had three years to act, in the demon world that is plenty of time for another male to come in and stake his claim.” His hand at her hip tightened it's grip. “Which I have.”

Kagome moved away from the lord, picking up her pack and slinging it over her shoulder she took a few steps before turning to look back.

“I'll talk to him tonight.”

Sesshoumaru inclined his head and fell into step with his miko.