Memories of a Boy: Halloween Speshful by FaeHime

A Truly Frightful Disguise

A/N: First off, I take total credit for this sweet lil' piece- my muse is gagged and tied up in a corner, so no credit for him XD Rating for mild language and innuendo >.>

Okay so this is TOTALLY NOT an official MOAB update, and actually doesn't quite fit anywhere in the continuity of the current story. Sorry folks. However, this bit of crack is a response to the Dokuga Halloween Challenge issued by MomoDesu, although I'm not sure if it fits the guidelines of being set in the modern day precisely. Still, I hope everyone enjoys it!

Sorry if it is a bit rough, I literally just typed it up, and may go back to edit it if I get any complaints about poor quality. It's just for laughs though, and I hope everyone enjoys the bit of fluff I slipped in at the end ;) For those of you who don't know some of the more questionable practices of kappa, please wikipedia it DX Dirty lil' creatures...

On with the story!



The young inu did his best to ignore the small pest circling his head. He was supposed to be meditating, like his sire, but he simply couldn't concentrate. For the past 40 minutes he had resisted the urge to swat at the numerous flies drifting around him, but the task was proving to be far too difficult.


Sesshomaru glanced at his father, who seemed to be immune to the distraction provided by the buzzing vermin. Irritation mounting, Sesshomaru allowed a petulant frown to cross his lips. This was his first patrol with his father since he had returned from the future, and it was turning out to be less fun than he remembered, and it wasn't hard for him to guess why.

'Everything is less fun without Kagome.'

Lazily waving a rather determined fly away from his nose, the small boy rolled his shoulders with a huff. Meditation was simply too difficult in conditions like these. Glancing at the full moon overhead, the young inuyoukai let his mind drift...

"It's called Halloween!" Kagome's words seemed to bounce from her mouth in her excitement. Her extreme reactions to everything under the stars was something Sesshomaru couldn't seem to get enough of, no matter how long he spent with the exuberant human girl.

Sapphire eyes dancing, Kagome was oblivious to his thoughts as she prattled on, "Now that the Obon Festival is past, we'll get to decorate the shrine with pumpkins and ghosts, and then we can get dressed up as something scary and go around the neighborhood Trick-or-Treating!"

Golden eyes blinked at her slowly, knowing the longer it took him to respond the more agitated she would become. Moments passed as she fidgeted, white teeth digging into the bottom lip of her irrepressible grin. When her cheeks began flushing and it looked like she was about to explode in her enthusiasm, Sesshomaru struck.

"This Sesshomaru does not need to dress up to be scary."  He did his best to keep his tone dismissive, and eagerly watched as his friend rapidly deflated, her indignant expression a comical contrast to her previous elation.

"That's not the point! You get to be anything you want," she finally quipped. Lifting her pert nose into the air, she crossed her arms as she continued proudly. "This year, I'm going to be a kappa demon!"

The pint-sized daiyoukai snorted derisively, repressing a laugh when Kagome blushed furiously, eyes snapping as they glared down at him.

"There is nothing scary about a frog."

"It's not a frog, it's a toad spirit! And they are too scary- they eat babies and kidnap children and drown people who get too close to their rivers and ponds!"

Sesshomaru couldn't hide his surprise, eye widening as she ranted at him. In all of his father's dealing with the diminutive water youkai, the young inu had never heard of any type of violence such as she was describing.

Frowning doubtfully, he accused, "You're making that up."

A triumphant smirk stretched Kagome's face as she shook her head emphatically. Leaning closer to him, her voice dropped to a whisper. "Wanna know the worst part? If a kappa wants your soul, he'll..."

Her voice dropped to a whisper, and Sesshomaru's mouth fell open in horror at the revelation.  He couldn't control the shiver that laced down his spine, and the inu resolved then and there to never allow a kappa near his person if he could help it. Schooling his features, the young boy met Kagome's challenging gaze before relenting. If nothing else, his father had taught him how to gracefully concede to a more knowledgeable adversary.

"...what should I dress up as?" Her squeal of delight lessened the sting of his defeat, and as she made suggestions he was content to be basking in her happiness once more.  

'I wonder what she's going to be for Halloween this year?' Sesshomaru's thoughts were rudely interrupted when the brazen fly that had been pestering him for over an hour now finally settled itself on the tip of his nose. Molten eyes crossed as he tried to glare at the dirty insect, and he was about to smash it when--


A long, wet tongue snatched the fly so quickly, the young male didn't have time to react. Thinking that one of the many frogs in the area had thwarted his retribution, a growl began to build in his throat as he turned to glare at the offender. It quickly died however when his angry gaze was met by smiling yellow eyes over a slimy green beak. As another fly lit upon the tip of his sensitive ear, Sesshomaru's careful control snapped.



Sesshomaru 's father startled at the sound of his pup's terrified shriek. His eyes had barely swept the small glade they were in for threats when his son shot past him in a blur.

"AAAAaaaaahhhhh....!" The young inu's screams and aura continued to fade in the direction of the western shiro.

A dark eyebrow rose in confusion as InuTaisho stared after his one and only heir. Turning back to his longtime friend and the current leader of the kappa who inhabited the Western lands, the bemused Lord of the West couldn't help but wonder at Sesshomaru's strange reaction.

"Why were his hands over his rear?"


Years later, Kagome was roaring with laughter as Sesshomaru reluctantly told her of his first Halloween after he had returned to his time. She's been begging him to tell her of his life after the well had brought him back home, and the young woman was amazed he'd not tried to omit the obviously embarrassing incident.

"Oh my--hahaha-- y-you...mmmhmmhmmhehhehhe... you really ran off with -snort- you-your hands over your b-butt?!" At the taiyoukai's nod, the miko fell to her side, gasping for air between screams of laughter. She knew she was being terribly rude, but the image of tiny Sesshomaru's little clawed hands protecting his "dignity" was too precious.

For his part, the youkai lord seemed unaffected by her unladylike chortles, but Kagome could see the affronted look in the slightest thinning of his lips. Pressing a hand to her mouth, the young woman straightened, trying and failing to look apologetic. She almost had herself under control when Jaken suddenly burst into the clearing, frantically throwing himself at the stoic lord's booted feet.

"Sesshomaru-sama, this unworthy one finally found you! Not that you needed to be found! No, Sesshomaru-sama is too powerful to need anyone to--" the groveling retainer's shrill voice was abruptly silenced when Sesshomaru kicked him back out of their small camp. Fiery eyes snapped to her when a soft laugh choked behind her teeth. Biting her lower lip, she raised an eyebrow conspiratorially as she leaned back into the soft grass.

"You better run Sesshomaru, there's a kappa trying real hard to kiss your ass!" Kagome broke out in giggles when Sesshomaru's cheeks flushed slightly, his aura tingling with embarrassment at pun. Tears streaming from her eyes, she looked up to see her companion looming over her, face impassive but for a smirk tilting the corner of his mouth.

"This Sesshomaru does not care about the occupation of any set of lips... save yours, Kagome."

With that his warm mouth slanted across hers in an achingly sweet kiss. Kagome's eyes fluttered shut, lips tingling as fangs traced their edges teasingly, the inu's affectionate pecks at the corners of her mouth leaving her dizzy with need. Smiling as he pulled away to look down at her, she couldn't help one last jibe.

"Alright, but don't expect me to kiss your ass."