A Certain Special Blend... by FaeHime

Word, Territory, Pace and Pound

Shippo tapped his foot nervously as he waited. The last five hundred years had passed slowly and he could hardly stand the suspense. Six bushy tails waved behind him, invisible to all regular, powerless humans.

"A three letter word. Glutimus maximus."

"God, Sesshomaru!" Shippo burst out. He began to pace irritably. "How can you sit there so calmly, doing crossword puzzles, when any minute now Kagome is coming back?!"

Sesshomaru raised an elegant silver brow at the flustered demon. "The word?" He prompted.

"Ass. You should know," Shippo muttered. "You only speak every language known to mankind..."

When the youkai lord simply ignored him in favor of filling in the word, Shippo felt the irresistible urge to pound his fist through the newspaper. The only thing that stopped him was the sound he'd been waiting five centuries to hear.

"Shippo!" Turning, the fox demon caught Kagome in his arms as she barreled into him. A flush suffused his cheeks.

"Seven letter word. Freud's 'Electra Complex.' Any ideas, Shippo?" The cool baritone washed over Shippo, who stiffened in anger as Kagome completely missed the jibe in favor of the speaker.

"Sesshomaru! You're here too!" Kagome rushed over and hugged the now standing male who was looking over her head at Shippo smugly.

"Oi, Sesshomaru! Two words, eight letters. Buy the farm!"

Kagome looked between the two demons in confusion.

"You forget, kit, that is already my territory. Four letter word. Antonym Theirs."

Shippo didn't miss a beat. "Eight letters. Bovine discharge!"

Sesshomaru smirked and then leaned down swiftly, capturing Kagome's lips in a heated kiss. The previously confused miko melted into a sensuous stupor, staring dazedly at Sesshomaru as the kiss ended, a flush on her cheeks. Sweeping the girl into his arms, he cocked an eyebrow at the furious kitsune.

"Six letters. Relinquish."

"Goddammit, you prick!" Shippo screeched as the youkai absconded with his miko. And he had thought that Inuyasha was bad!


Original Post and challenge can be found: http://tinyurl.com/9b5fj9l