When Kagome Laughed by The Norrington

Chapter 1

Sesshomaru was not a kind person.  He was a Daiyoukai with blood on his claws. He was not soft in any way; he was not forgiving, he was not swayed.  He walked his set path, and if something was in his way, he removed it.  If something wasn't done his way, he ignored it.  If a person wasn't of his caliber, they barely exsisted to him.  This is how he was, how he had operated for centuries.  He was unchangeable, set and steady, a rock through time.

Until she laughed.  

When he first heard the silvery trill of her laughter, he was actually driven to pause in his forward journey.  He turned his ear to the wind, listening as the last of that merriment was swiftly carried away from him.  He had smelled his half-brother's group for some time now, but he nearly frowned when he realized that they were much closer than he had thought.  The only thing that comforted him was the knowledge that they obviously had no idea he was there at all.  He heard her laughter again, tilting his head thoughtfully before scoffing.  How foolish of the human, to give away their position so easily.  He walked on, forgetting about the miko and her laughter in just a moment.  

The next time he heard her laugh, he was also able to see her face.  And this time, he would not forget it.

He and his own little group had actually crossed paths with his half-brother's.  He had known they were coming, of course, but he was Sesshomaru and he changed his path for no one.  He ignored them utterly, not sparing his half-brother even the smallest of glances, or acknowledging the humans.  But Rin did.  She blushed shyly at Shippo, she openly admired how cute Inuyasha's ears were, and she gasped and told Kirara she was just the cutest thing ever.  She charmed them easily, as Rin had the ablitiy to do, and Kagome could not help the laughter that bubbled up.  

Sesshomaru had turned to glare at all of them just as she threw her head back and laughed, and the glared died on his face.  Rosy cheeks flushed with happiness, black hair flowing back from her temples, dark lashes against those cheeks.  White even teeth, pink lips and tongue, and that laugh that was free as a songbird, unrestrained and honest.  Golden eyes widened, taking her in.  This lasted for the barest of moments, and he schooled his face back into his normal careful control.

"Rin.  Come."  

"Yes, Sesshomaru-sama!"  


The fight was brutal.  The air was riddled with brackish maisma, the earth splattered with blood, both demon and human, friend and foe.  Naraku lay defeated in piles of oozing, slowly dieing flesh, but it was not a joyous victory.  One of the heroes lay dead, golden eyes blank, silver hair matted with filth, and the miko howled her grief to the stars.  Inuyasha was gone, and now...and now what good could there possibly be left in the world?  Her best friend, her protector, was gone, gone, gone...

She was pulled away roughly, back into Sango's arms, and she looked up with mingled fury and heartbreak as Sesshomaru stepped forward, his boots splashing into his half-brother's blood.  

There was the musical scrape of metal against metal, and Tensaiga sang with it's swing.  Eyes cleared, dog ears twitched, and Inuyasha reeled up, gasping in air, gasping in life.  He looked up at Sesshomaru, a hand fisted in his fire rat robe above his heart.  Everyone one was frozen in shock, relief, joy.


Sesshomaru nodded, resheathing Tensaiga; "Brother."  

Suddenly the Taiyoukai found himself in the very unusual position of an armful of miko.  Hair shifted away from her face, eyes closed, and her lips met his with a resounding smack that left him wide eyed and rumbling with pleasure.  He squeezed her close, his eyes half-lidded, enjoying the blush that streaked her face when she fully comprehended what she had done in her euphoria.  Embarassed laughter graced his ears, and he squeezed her gently again before releasing her.

Everything would be okay now.  Even if his brother was still a blemish on the earth, well...it wasn't an unbearable prospect.  Everything was okay...

When Kagome laughed. 


A/N:  Yes, shameless fluff.  I realize there's hardly any plot, and there was a huge time laspe inbetween the first part and the second but...I like it, over all.  Enjoy!  Also, I do NOT own Inuyasha or any of it's characters.