Angels on High by Sylandria

Chapter 1

Sooo yeah.. I know I should NOT be working on another story but this stupid plunnie would NOT leave me alone! I totally blame Nalini Singh's Guild Huntress Archangel trilogy for this plunnie. It's totally different from the trilogy itself so I can safely say that I didn't plagurize. :D

DISCLAIMER: I don't own the characters from Inuyasha, Miss Rumiko Takahashi does. I just own the plot and various Angels.

Please R&R :D

Chapter 1

Kagome Higurashi always knew she was a strange girl. Growing up on an old shrine in Japan for half of her life, then moving to small-town America made sure that she knew she was always a little odd.

It started on the shrine, in the house of her father, that she would often tell her American born mother and Japanese father of the transparent people and strange, beautiful people with wings of feathers and leather and even some that were scary ugly things with horns, three eyes and others.

Her grandfather said that she was a seer, but her parents weren't inclined to believe the old man, even if he claimed his father could see them too. Kagome remembered that she was happy that at least somebody believed her, and soon learned to keep what she saw to herself.

Sometimes, the beautiful people with wings of feathers would notice that she could see them and would ask her questions on some of the scary beings. And she would answer them as to where she last saw them.

When her papa died, her mother took her and her father-in-law to Arkansas, in America where she saw more of the people with wings. They didn’t often ask her questions, and as she grew older she learned to ignore the people with wings.

But she couldn’t ignore the transparent people, which she'd realized were ghosts. After helping her first ghost find peace in her first year of college, she realized that she was a medium into the spiritual realm, and that she'd been seeing Angels, ghosts, demons and fiends. She found out that she was also an actual living Shinto priestess, a trait passed down from her father's line.

All throughout her college life, Angels and ghosts were asking for her help in finding other ghosts or fiends to move them on to the next life, or to ease living family members into their death.

Today, was such a day. And Kagome couldn’t help but admire the blues of the Angel's wings as they swept the muscular being down toward her location. The Angel himself stood a good six and a half feet, towering over her five and 2 inches frame and had glowing blue eyes and a shock of white hair that hung to his shoulders.

"I'm sorry, Lartiel. I haven’t heard anything from eavesdropping onto fiends' conversations on where the trapped ghost is."

Lartiel, the Reaper Angel, a class of Angels that ushered souls to the next life, sighed, his wings sagging as the news hit him. Kagome noticed that all Reaper Angels seemed to care greatly for their charges, and wanted only the best for the souls. His particular charge was only a young girl, seven at the most that had died in a car accident a few days earlier.

"You are certain? You have not been able to see her spiritual signature?" The Angel's voice rolled like rich chocolate and thunder mixed into one luscious package. But Kagome was used to that as all Angel's voices were sensuous, dark and utterly beautiful.

Kagome nodded solemnly and looked down at her toes. Hearing the Reaper sigh, she froze for a second when he placed a warm palm on her shoulder and squeezed for a moment.

"Thank you, Kagome. You are always a help to the Angels." Her head snapped up as the Lartiel's wings beat in one strong movement and swept him up into the clouds where he disappeared.


Several days passed since Lartiel had made his presence known, and Kagome hadn’t heard much on finding the little girl. Until rumors started among the living.

"You know that little girl who died last week?"

"Yeah, the one whose mother is alone, because her boyfriend had been driving and some jerk crashed into them?"

"Well, the mother is saying that the house is haunted."

"Pft. Yeah, right. I don’t believe in ghosts."

"Me either, but she said that her daughter's favorite toys had been moved around to where she would play with them. And her books would be where she always left them so that her mother would read them."

"That's.. that's weird."

Kagome knew then and there where said little girl was. Running through the campus streets, until she reached her car, she jumped in and started the engine, only to be surprised by blue wings.


"Kagome, have you heard news?"

"Yes! I think she is at her home when she was alive! I heard some story from some of my classmates that suggested that she was haunting her house trying to get her mother to see her."

The Angel's face went taut before relaxing in relief. He nodded once, and said, "Alright, I will follow you."

"Yes, yes, of course."

Driving to the woman's house took some time, as rush hour traffic hit as she hit the highways. Groaning, as she hit another red light, Kagome looked around the car to see Lartiel hovering around her car, the wind blowing his white hair around his face. Driving forward, once green hit, she sped around cars until the woman's house came into view and Kagome found the particles of the spiritual residue that Lartiel had been telling her to look for.

Parking, she got out of the car, and stood at the end of the driveway, pointing at the house for the Reaper to go and collect his charge. "There. That is the house, if you look closely, you can see the residue from here." She looked around and praised her good luck to find out that the mother wasn’t home.

"Yes, you are right." He gave a short nod and swept down to land at the front door and opened it with a silent click. Sprinting, she headed toward the front of the house and followed the Angel.

"Rebecca?" She called from outside the house. A little girl with bright green eyes filled with tears poked her head out into the middle of the living room.

"My mama… she.. she can't see me. Why can't she see me? I just want her to see me!"

"Oh, I know, baby. But you know why your mama can't see you. Do you remember the wreck? And do you know what he is?"

"Y-yeah. I re-remember. I don't wanna be dead though. I just want my mama." Rebecca said through tears. She glanced over at Lartiel and hiccupped, "Y-you’re an A-angel, aren’t you?"

Very gently, the massive Angel knelt in front of the girl. "Yes, yes I am. I'm here to take you from your mama, yes. But I'm also here to take you to a wonderful place, with candy and chocolate and milk and honey." The Angel's voice purred through the little girl until she'd stopped crying and was sniffling as she crept closer to the Angel. His wings swept until it looked as if he were cradling the little girl in his bulk and grace. He continued his voice soft as he tried to cajole the little girl, "There are lots of little girls and boys there who miss their mommas but there are also momma's there who miss their little girls and boys. Won't you be a big girl and help them?"

"Maybe you could find my daddy, and tell him I said hello." Kagome tried softly, keeping her eyes on the floor.

"Y-your daddy is there?" When Kagome gave a solemn nod, little Rebecca took a deep breath and nodded, "Okay. But, you gotta promise to look after my momma."

Kagome gave a small smile, "Don't you worry. I sure will."

"Okay, Mister Angel. I'm ready." And with a soft glowing light, the Reaper and ghost were gone.

Closing the door and making sure it was locked, Kagome jogged to her car and did a U-turn until she was heading back to the college. Sighing, she cracked her neck and mused that a seer's life was never dull.

Driving, Kagome glanced up to see a tumbling golden light streak down until it crashed into a nearby field. Knowing that only Angel's have that distinctive golden glow, Kagome turned off on the next road and headed toward the crash site.

Following the smoke, she found the small crater in a soybean field.

And the Angel writhing in pain in the middle of it.