Chapter V
prompt: cake (Riku Ryu Random Prompt Challenge)
Kagome looked around her at all the faces surrounding the camp fire. It had been a long two years since the day she first came here. She never thought she'd be surrounded by so many people, so many allies; but here she was. As her mind wandered to how she met the people in her life, she thought that maybe something was needed in order to remember this moment by.
A bright smile made its way across her face, as an idea hit the sixteen year old miko. They would celebrate her two years in the Feudal Era, with a cake. The idea was perfect, they were already heading back to Edo for a supply run and for her to take another test, and picking up a cake while she was home would be no problem. Oh...but what flavor? She couldn't just outright ask, not if she wanted to make it a surprise. The young miko frowned in thought. Hmm...if she wanted Sesshomaru to have a piece it had to be unique in taste and scent. Same went for Inuyasha.
Kagome shrugged, she'd figure out what kind of cake to get once she was home. For now she'd just enjoy the peace and quiet. For once, since Sesshomaru started traveling with them, Inuyasha wasn't complaining.
Words: 218
Thanks to my wonderful beta Maryse for her awesome help.