Ghost Library by AishiteruKoibito

Borei no Toshokan

Authors Note: I own nothing of the Inuyasha Anime, Manga or Idea. Please Enjoy. Sorry for taking so long compared to my other updates. This one was difficult for some reason to write and I have been very busy. Hope you enjoy it =]

Ghost Library

Chapter 1

Kagome followed her friends down the stairs of her school. School was finally over for the summer but unlike the other students, Kagome was not excited for the vacation. She was not in the spirit for much of anything. She was simply following through motions of a teen age girl so her family would not worry too much. She also just did not wish to be asked countless of questions.

She looked as her friends laughed and cheered at the release of their very long prison sentence and began talking about all the things they would do during the summer. Kagome just sighed and looked up at the sun. The things she wished to do were no longer obtainable; simply a memory in the past.

Just a week ago the well took her back to her time after Naraku was defeated. She was unable to reenter the world that she called her second home. She was glad she thought of saying good bye to both sides of the well before the epic battle in case she had no choice in where she would be staying but it still did not make things any better simply for the fact she had NO choice. The decision was simply chosen for her and she could not argue the reasoning. She was Kagome Higurashi, 18 year old woman born to the future and not the past.

The battle between Naraku was gruesome. No matter their efforts, Naraku managed to take the fight to a small village nearing wiping it entirely from existence. As the fight wore on for what seemed like hours, Kagome was slowing losing her stamina. Her heart was aching as she looked at the destruction around her. She watched Inuyasha’s failed attempts to try and get close enough to Naraku to bring him down but he continuously got pushed back by the overwhelming numbers of lesser youkai. Kaze no Kizu was not doing much damage to the numbers of the seemingly never ending hoard.

Sango was behind a tree holding Miroku who was brought down by a tentacle that no one seen coming. He lived, for now but he needed immediate attention but if this fight went on too much longer, nothing would be able to help him then. Kouga laid a few yards away unmoving but still alive. Naraku took the shards from his legs and rendered him useless until he healed from his injuries.

Sesshoumaru was also there seeming the best out of all of them except for the long gash that nearly severed his armor. He held his sword with ease looking barely fatigued. Without his help the defeat of Naraku would not have been possible. Without his help, Kagome would not have been able to get the shot that she needed off and for that she was grateful but also upset for not being able to thank the demon lord.

Kagome sighed again and shook the memory from her head looking down at the sidewalk. At least everyone was alive when she was brought back to this world and at least she was done high school and was moving on to college. She was lucky she was accepted to anything with how her grades faired from being in the feudal era for so long. It just was not fair that she was unable to choose where she wanted to stay! She fought to save the world and this was how she was treated?

‘I am the Shikon Miko couldn’t they just let me be with my friends and Inuyasha’ She thought to herself. Instead of becoming upset now, Kagome began to anger but before her anger could escalate Eri called her name.

“Hey Kagome, you okay?” Kagome looked up at her friend and in the back of her mind she wanted to scream ‘NO!’ for the thousandth time she was asked but she instead took a deep breath and smiled.

“Yes Eri I am fine where are we going?” she looked around to see where she was at and was not very familiar with the building she was around. It looked fairly old she did not know how she never knew this building was there.  She looked at the large Kanji engraved into the building and read Borei no toshokan.

“Ghost Library? What is this place?” She looked over at Eri who was looking at the building as if she was terrified to be near there. Kagome’s other friend Atsuko started up the steps slowly and answered Kagome.

“It’s the library of the dead, people say that if you go in there the ghost of the people who you wish to see will attach themselves to you until you are ready to let them go. They just recently opened it back up. It had been closed and covered for many years. Apparently too many people were simply going crazy trying to find their loved ones, now nobody even notices the building.” Atsuko stared at the building with hope.

“How does it work and where did it come from? If a body is not in this area how can the ghost travel the distance to get to the place to find their loved ones?” Kagome asked with a peaked curiosity. Kagome stared at the building and for some reason it looked as if it was engulfing her slightly.

“Oh come on guys! You really believe all that? Ghosts are not real! Once you are dead you’re dead, there is no coming back to console the ones you left. It simply does not follow nature!” Eri cried out still far from the building on the sidewalk, her voice holding slight fear.

“Easy for you to say when you have not lost someone so close!” Atsuko snapped at Eri. “If it works perhaps I could meet my mother, I would be able to get to know her, the real her even if it is simply a ghost.” Atsuko’s voice became small and quiet. She shook her head slowly and started to back away from the building.

“Maybe you’re right Eri, maybe it is too good to be true. Come on Kagome lets go get some burgers.” Kagome reluctantly turned away from the building that seemed to be calling her and followed her friends and for some reason she felt like she was being called. Shaking the feeling off, Kagome followed after her friends and tried to be in the conversation but her thoughts were still on the library.

“We should have tried harder!”

“We did the best we could without causing trouble! Be reasonable!”

“She just walked away; she did not even come close enough to truly hear us! What if she never comes back?”

“Inuyasha, this is Kagome we are talking about, of course she would come back” A blur of a women rested her hands on her hips staring at the see through image of the hanyou.

Inuyasha huffed and crossed his arms, “yeah well we waited how many years to talk to her and she simply walks away as if we don’t exist. Keh wench always testing my patience even when I am dead”

“Sango is right Inuyasha, give Kagome a chance, her interest was piqued but perhaps it is too soon to come to the realization that we are all dead now. Just a week ago we were alive and fighting Naraku, understand her feelings”

Inuyasha just sighed and nodded his head “Fine monk but if next time she just walks away I will follow and haunt her ass until she listens to me!” With that Inuyasha faded away leaving a very amused couple in his haste.

“You would think this long being dead he would have mellowed out” Sango whispered softly.

“I do not think that anything can truly kill the arrogance of Inuyasha my love, this is why even after death we are still close simply because of his stubbornness.” The faded hand of Miroku slowly drifted down Sangos back to the swell of her bum and squeezed.

Without a sweat Sango swung back and smacked the ghost Miroku in the face leaving a red mark like it did in the past and mumbled as she walked away, “And you Hoshii will always be a pervert even in death.” Miroku just followed his wife away with a goofy grin on his face.