WDI by bloody innocence


Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha I can only dream. I only own the characters I make up and the plot of the story.

AN: This story sort of came to me after I saw High School of the Dead and then later I dreamed of it but only with the characters from Inuyasha. So I thought hey might as well just make it to a story. So here it goes and I hope you like it.


Kagome jumped up from the chair she had recently been asleep in when the front door slammed shut. Instantly she was alert, Souta came running out of his room with a gun in hand ready to be fired if need be. Kagome spreaded her aura searching for anyone who may wish them harm but instantly calmed when she realised who it was. No wonder they were able to get past security her family were the only ones who could be allowed entrance into their little home.

"Calm down its just okaa-san and otou-san" Kagome said to her sleepy brother. Kagome looked tiredly at her parents as they came into the living room. Something wasnt right. Her parents had always been able to keep their auras calm but now it was something akin to a raging storm at the moment.

"Those bastards. Do they honestly thing we will continue to work for them after what they've just done" Sin said pacing the floor angrily.

"Whats wrong father" Souta said rubbing his eyes.

"Its that wretched government...those ...those monsters are playing with chemicals like their toys. They have created something so destructive that it could wipe out humans and demons alike. And they call it science... a masterpiece. They're all crazy the whole lot of em." Miyu said in a fit of anger. "And when we asked them to stop, to tell them what they were doing was wrong"

"They said why would we listen to murderers like you" Sin finished for her.

"Pack up me and your father are leaving tonight we'll take all the food and weapons we can because we are going to need them. You two follow us first thing in the morning you two need rest before heading out. Bring the rest of the stuff with you. We're going to the island."

Suddenly Kagome and Souta were wide awake. Looking at eachother they turned to thier parents. "Okaa-san...Otou-san...What happend? Whats going on?"

"WDI...thats whats going on" Sin said.

"I've got a bad feeling" Miyu said after a few moments of silence."

AN: I know its short but this is just the prolouge people. I already have the first chapter done I'm working on the second now. Well anyways hope you liked it. If you did then I would really appreciate a review. Thanxx!