The Serial Killer Dad by bloody innocence

Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha only the caracters I make up on my own.

AN: Changing rating from M to MA because of Graphic Content!


Kagome smiled and walked through the crowd of the club as people waved at her. God was it good to be the most popular, everyone either hated her or wanted to be her. Unlike some girls she wasn't too fond of picking on the geeks, in fact she treated everyone the same. Which gained her even more popularity. It was her 17th birthday and she intended to enjoy it to the fullest. Although she wasn't a senior she somehow became most popular. There was a couple seniors who didn't like her and that was Ashley and her tag-alongs. For some reason most kids got the idea that she was rich but it didnt bother her none. She just wanted to enjoy this day before she had to leave once again.

''Nice party"

"This is sick"

''This is gonna be like legendary" was all Kagome heard as she walked though the crowd.

But...they had no idea just how legendary.

Somewhere in the club

A girl screamed in terror as she saw her now dead boyfriends body fall to the floor, his dead eyes stared straight at her. Screaming she turned to run but was yanked back to the ground by her hair. Tears leaked from her eyes as she stared into the eyes of her boyfriends murderer.

"Please...please don't do this" she begged praying for any God who cared to listen and save her.

"Oh! You beg me for mercy yet you never showed my daughter any. You can't hurt her and expect to get away with it." he said before stabbing her a multiple of times. Smiling at his handiwork he walked out of the room and to where the party was with her present in his hand.

Kagome turned to see what all the comotion was about when she heard kids screaming. She froze in shock, terror, and anger. There he was the man she had been trying to avoid smiling at her with Ashley's head in his hand, her dead eyes wide open and a look of pure fear and terror on her face.

By now kids were swarming out of the school like rats. Tripping over one another to be the first one out the door.

"It's all for you baby girl" the man said in the now empty club, he smiled a stwisted smile "happy birthday sweethart."

He lifted Ashley's head to kagome as a present and Kagome had to stop herself from vomiting as the eyes stared at her.

" Why do you have to kill people all the time. You are on the top of the list of the most dangerous and wanted serial killers now. If its all for me, then why won't you stop Papi" Kagome said trying to hold in the tears that wanted so desperately to fall. She stood there lips trembling and with a heavy heart.

"Because if I stop who's gonna protect you. I gotta keep ya safe. Te amo" he said walked to her.

Kagome backed away from him, shaking her head in what could only be described as disbelief.

"Freeze, put your hands on your head and get on the ground." police said swarming into the club. She watched as they walked away with her father in hand cuffs.

"Are you alright Kagome" Officer Kelly, a man with great spiritual power said to Kagome.

Kagome scoffed "I'm sure you know I'm fine. He would never hurt me." Kagome said bowing her head to think.

"How many?" Kagome asked looking officer Kelly straight in the eyes.

"Pardon me?" Officer Kelly said frowning.

"How many did he kill this time?" Kagome asked praying it wasn't a lot.

"28 were killed" he said avoiding eye contact with her "about 10 are recovering at the hospital. They got lucky and managed to escape."

"Oh my God" Kagome said. Tears made wet trails down her cheek. "38 victims" she said putting her head in her hands. For the life of her she couldn't understand what happened to her father, but god he changed. Life had dealt her hard blows and her father changing was only one of the many. She loved him even though he was considered what people called a monster but she couldn't help it. She could still remember the man he once was and she could still see it just hidden beneath the surface and it pained her to see him like this. A merciless killer but to her he could be the most caring and gentle person.

"Mommy, Mommy" Kagome turned and saw her 4 year old son and daughter running to her. Besides her these two where the only others her father wouldn't kill.

"Shippou, Sutomi" Kagome said picking up her full demon kids and kissing them countless times.

"We figured you would want to be with them right now" officer Kelly said smiling.

"Thank You" she said truly grateful

"No need to thank me, it's my job to protect you and make you feel better."

6 months later

''I want to relocate" Kagome said to officer Kelly and Mr. Banks who was the chief of police.

"Now why would you wanna do that" officer Kelly asked shocked.

"Well I'm tired of school. Everyone knows who my father is and on top of that they know I've got two kids."

"Kagome thats not..."

"I don't wanna talk about it." she sighed before continuing "I'm just tired of the way people treat and look at me. My kids don't even have friends at school because children are told by their own parents to stay clear of us. I hate the way everyone looks at us...almost as if I will turn out to be like my father. This isn't the life I want for me or my kids. Shippou and Sutomi came home crying because their 'friends' didn't like them anymore. Their too young to understand. I especially hate the way the teachers look at them. It's just not fair that they have to suffer. I can see the fear in their eyes and I can't stand it. It's my job as their mother to protect them mentally and physically but I can't do that if we stay here."

"Understandable" Chief Banks said after thinking for a moment. "Plus you would have had to relocate anyways. Not to mention in another couple of months it will be her birthday and you know what that means. It's a win-win situation, they get a better lifestyle and when Jose gets out as he always somehow do than it would be better if he had no idea where she's at."

"Well I guess since you put it that way." officer Kelly said thinking it over.

"I wanna go to Japan considering it's that last place he think I would go because of my mother. Can you see if she would let me live there with her Joe(officer kelly)" Kagome asked

"Don't worry I'm her husband and I am not gonna leave my step daughter with no home."

"Thanks Joe" kagome said smiling.

"Not a bad idea...Kelly I know your tired of having to fly back and forth from Japan to America so how about you go with Kagome. She and the kids can live with you and if Jack somehow found her you could offer some type of protection. Also they have the best youkai police there so he will definitely be caught if he follows her to Japan."

"I'll do it" Joe finally said.

"Thank you" Kagome said giving him a bone crushing hug. Joe chuckled.

"Good you leave in three days" Bank's smiled at Kagome's happiness.

"Alright well I gotta go, see ya later." and with that Kagome left to get the kids.

For the past couple days Kagome had been working non stop to have everything ready within three days. First she had to get the kids out of school and packing was a lot of work to do. The twins refused to leave even one toy behind which was a lot because Joe spoiled them rotten. Not to mention she had never realized how many clothes the three of them had it was ridiculous, all thanks to Joe once again. By the third day everthing was packed and they were ready to go. Kagome grabbed her kids hands as they boarded the plane with Joe.

They were on their way to a better life...if only temporarily.

I decided to make Kagome have a serial killer dad, I actually got the idea from a movie I saw the other day. No one really knows who her dad is so I gave her a crazy killer dad. He's puerto rican too making Kagome a mix between puerto rican and Japanese.  Well hope you liked it and I will start the next chapter soon. By the way I'm new at this so tell me if I'm doing anything wrong. Thanks for reading and please review I would like to know what you think. WRITING GETS BETTER IN ABOUT THE THIRD CHAPTER.