The Miko Warrior by Hitenssecretlover

It's over?

Calmness swept the once pristine field, though not that of the peaceful kind. As the members of the Inu-tachi sat frozen still in puddles of blood most of which was their own they reflected on their so called victory.

They had fought hard and defeated the wretched half breed. The victory that should have been written on their faces was replaced with concern and loss. Sango unfortunately had to end her own brother, Kohaku, but he was ultimately in a better place.  Inuyasha was forced to realize that Kikyo had in fact been scheming with Naraku; on top of that he noticed a mating mark upon her neck and Naraku’s stench laced with graveyard soil. He was lucky enough that Sango took it upon herself to reintroduce Kikyo to hell, much to his disappointment.  Miroku on the other hand was just glad he didn’t have to worry about wind tunnel sucking him into an endless void like it had done with his grandfather and father before him.

The little joy of Naraku’s defeat did nothing to help the fact that the miko, Kagome was missing. Even Sesshomaru, who had a momentary truce with the group, was unnerved at the abrupt disappearance of the miko, though he’d never admit it.  If the jewel hadn’t been sitting innocently in the place the miko had just occupied Inuyasha would have thought it has sent her home. Everyone stared at the shining bauble yet no one dared to touch the cursed thing either too afraid to disappear as well or the fact it was the source of all their pain and suffering.

 All they could do was hope and pray that Kagome was safe. The silence was suddenly broken by a heart wrenching wail, “Mama” the little fox kit cried. Sango broken out of her stupor by the outburst went to comfort the kit. As she held Shippo close, silent tears leaked out of her dark chocolate orbs, as she too mourned the loss of her heart sister and her beloved brother. What no one knew was that Kagome’s battle had just begun. 

A/N Reviews are welcome