Developing a Twitch by Night Fox


There were very few things Sesshoumaru expected when he walked into his home. He expected his wife to greet him, to have a late supper, a possible romp, and then to go to sleep.

To say the least, this wasn't any where near the list of possibilities to happen. He would have been less surprised to find that the house had burned down because of one of Kagome's little cooking experiments.

To come home and find the place redecorated wasn't necessarily horrible, in fact it was one of the least destructive things that she'd come up with in the past years, but for it all to be pink?

The woman had managed to have the walls painted, new carpet put down, and new furniture placed all in the span of ten hours. He was going to have to sit her down and have a long discussion with her about the proper use of the funds meant for interior design.

Kagome's cough drew his attention down to her. Sesshoumaru could feel the spasm of muscle in his face as he looked down at the small woman before him. "What, exactly, were you thinking when you did this?"

"It was just sooo pretty!"

That wasn't an answer....

He could feel the muscle spasm again. It seemed that he was starting develop a twitch.