Attraction by Ashley

First Meeting

Disclaimer: I don't own anything. 

Tap… Tap… Tap…

Bright blue eyes glazed with boredom watched as her painted pink nail kept rhythm with the clock.

Tap… Tap… Tap…

With a quiet sigh she stilled her finger. The girl shifted in her seat, random thoughts running through her head as she looked out the classroom window. Her junior year was ending, and as soon as the last class of the day was out she would be home free. This class, she thought frowning, God I hate math. Drowning out her detested math teacher she let a smile form as she thought of her plans. Glancing at the clock her smile grew.

Fifteen minutes, only fifteen minutes. Then she would meet Inuyasha, Miroku, and Sango out front. From there it was to Inuyasha's house with the promise of a little pool party. Though it would only be the four of them, she was still excited. Her thoughts strayed even further, bringing up her first memory of meeting her friend the brash, and rude, Inuyasha.

Anxiety washed through the young new freshman. Glancing back, her black hair whipped around her. Her mother waved with a smile once more, then left. Her blue eyes darkened with courage and she took a deep breath. Her mother said she'd have friends in no time.

Her steps were light and her yellow backpack bounced behind her. She followed a group of students inside but didn't get two steps before she slammed into something hard. Startled she look up to a boy with long black hair and light brown eyes. He was cute, until he opened his mouth.

"Watch where you’re going wench!" Surprised, Kagome’s brows furrowed at such a smooth tone coming out of that very foul mouth.  She pushed the thought aside and took a deep breath. She was not going to get into a fight on the first day of school, but she wasn't going to let what he said go either.

Her eyes narrowed as two people walked up to stand beside him. "First off, I was watching, and second, you bumped into me."

He rolled his eyes with a smirk. "Whatever. You’re in my way wench! Move!"

Her eyes flashed a brilliant blue, and as he moved to push her she slapped his hand back. Oh how she wanted to slap that smirk right off his face. "I have a name jerk, and it’s not wench! Its-"


"Yes?" She asked. Her voice was soft and light, even though she had the urge to rip her hair out. She had to resist the urge to tap her finger again. Ms. Yutaka glared at her, so she smiled prettily. Pointing to the board the teacher asked, "What’s the answer?"

With a heavy sigh she glanced at it before turning her attention back to her source of annoyance. "Thirty-four."

Why does she always ask when she knows I always know? It makes her look bad, not me.

 There were some giggles and a huff from the teacher, but nothing else was said. Kagome guessed she would never have the answer when it came to this teacher.  As much as she disliked the subject, she was remarkable at it, not genius good, but close enough. This teacher only made her dislike it more. Two minutes later the bell rung and Kagome bee lined for the door, her bag on her shoulder, glad for summer break.

Moving between mingling teenagers Kagome stifled a groan and ran a hand through her waist long black locks. Of course we didn’t think to set up a meeting place, which would have been the smart thing to do. Where the hell are they? Making her way out of the school she looked around. It took only moments to spot all three friends who stood waving at her from under a large tree. Smiling brightly she skipped over, her mood instantly brightened.

"I'm so excited!" Sango said brightly. They all loved Inuyasha’s house, especially his pool. Sango turned towards her, while Miroku and Inuyasha talked of 'Man Stuff'(as they insisted on calling it, Kagome just called it gossip) in hushed tones a couple feet away. Giggling she pointed toward the boys and Sango followed with her eyes. Kagome heard her giggle and had to ask "What do you think they’re talking about?"

Sango smiled as she looked back at her. Sango turned to study them for a moment more, and then eyes dancing with amusement, she said, "With them two, I don't even want to know."

 Kagome nodded and laughed.  Frowning suddenly, she stared at them. Why in the world are we still here? And men say we’re the ones that take forever to get going. Those two gossip more than church ladies. She gave a loud shout, and when Inuyasha turned toward her she yelled, "Let’s go!" Grabbing Sango’s arm she pulled to get her moving.

Jumping to sit on the hood of Inuyasha's car she closed her eyes and waited. Seconds later there was a scream, followed by a sharp slap. She chuckled at Mirokus misfortune of being a pervert. He was handsome, of that there was no doubt, but that wondering hand of his caused too many problems. His short raven hair was fashioned in a small pony tail at the back of his neck, and his violet eyes always held mischief. At five foot nine he was only an inch taller than his love, Sango.

Sango, she thought fondly, both beautiful and violent. Long hair of a warm brown was always pulled up into a high pony tail and soft eyes of the same color always held compassion. She wore very little make up, just light pink eye shadow and lip gloss. At five foot eight she looked like an amazon woman with her honey toned skin. Her temper could rival one too, though only mainly caused at the fault of Miroku. Even though he groped her daily, Sango was still somehow, Kagome noted, secretly in love with him.

Jerked out of her thoughts by a loud bang, she was startled to see Inuyasha standing next to her. She saw one hand on the hood the other pointing to the ground.

Hopping down she mumbled, "prick."


She stuck out her tongue as she got in the car, followed quickly by Sango and Miroku.

It was half way to his house when the nagging thought of she was forgetting something hit her. She was missing something. What is it I’m forgetting? Think, over lunch he had something to tell us. Glaring at the cars carpet she scowled harder, as if it would give her the answer.  Okay, we talked of school, how much it sucked, summer break, his father, and his mother, his… "Got it!" Everyone jumped, surprised. Kagome gave a sheepish smile.

"Inuyasha?" She wanted to know what he was going to say. It was bugging her now.

"Huh?" She sighed. That's intelligent… Shaking her head she forced her mind to more important matters.

"What was it you were saying about a brother at lunch?" She couldn't hold the curiosity out her voice but didn't care, she was nosey. She saw him grimace and had to wonder, Bad Blood?

"Ya" he said “my half-brother, Sesshomaru, arrived from America today."

Kagome frowned; she hadn’t known he had a brother. She shifted to look in the backseat. From the looks on Sango and Miroku's faces, neither did they.

"Something happened with or to his mother, my dad didn't say, so he'll be living with us from now on." Frowning he continued on and she listened quietly. “He’s a prick and a cold bastard, so just ignore him, 'cause that's what he's going to do to everyone else."

 By the time he finished he was glaring out the windshield. Definitely bad blood, she thought. The car stopped in front of a four story mansion and Kagome smiled, hopping out. Kagome wondered, not for the first time, how such a rough boy could have come from such lavish place.

Glancing over at her once crush she grinned. His coal hair that stopped at his middle back was wind tossed and going every which way. His faded jeans and red t-shirt were perpetually wrinkled. Looking at her own ensemble she almost laughed. Her pretty blue knee length skirt floated around her, her cream colored shirt and matching flats clean and new looking. Kagome tucked her neat hair behind her ears. They were complete opposites in almost every way.

Shaking her head she reached for her bag, pulled it on, and shut the car door. Looking up she noticed all three friends at the large oak front door.

 "Come on wench!" Inuyasha yelled. Glaring, she took off for the front door. Inuyasha’s eyes widened as he quickly opened the door, scrambling through laughing. Blue eyes twinkled with laughter and she slid in behind him, amused. Kagome skid to a stop next to his still form, her skirt whirling around her.

Still smiling, she turned to see what caught every ones attention.

Oh Wow… Was all she could think. Standing there was who she guessed was Sesshomaru. He was tall, she noticed, six foot two or three, his body long and lean, and even from where she stood she could tell he was well well-defined. His hair was so blond it boarded on white; his eyes were the color of warm amber. Though they were anything but warm, in fact she saw that they were as cold as he seemed indifferent, if his impassively stunning face was anything to go by.

The desire though, that's what stunned her. When her eyes locked on his… it just slammed into her. Heat fused through her body. Clenching her hands into fists she took a deep breath, hoping to calm it down. Big mistake, she thought afterwards. She could smell him. Standing there next to Inuyasha she could only stare, just as everyone else was. His amber orbs shifted to his brother.

"Inuyasha." That was all he said, but still, she had to push aside the urge to shiver. His voice was like velvet, yet cool. His face, his expression, none of it changed. She turned to look at Inuyasha, but he only responded in kind.


Seriously, she thought, this is ridiculous. She turned to look at Sango and Miroku. Disbelief swept through her as they just stood there quietly, staring, as if in a daze.

Talk about rude.

 Looking back to Sesshomaru, she could understand why they stared. Power seemed as natural to him as his skin was. It was simply there, and it made others wary. Her mind screamed danger, but instinct demanded trust. Kagome went with what was most natural to her. Turning back to her friends all she said was "What’s wrong with you three?" before spinning to walk to the man all three seemed to be cautious enough of to border on rude.

She heard movement as Inuyasha made for her arm to pull her back, but she skillfully danced around it. She stopped a couple feet in front of him and smiled softly. Battling the desire to launch herself into his arms, after all insanity wasn’t the better of first impressions, she introduced herself instead.

"Hello" she said soft enough so only he could hear. Let them suffer. Pansies!

 "I’m Kagome." She waved behind herself, "That's Miroku and Sango. It’s nice to meet you."

The tension in the room seemed to escalate and Kagome suddenly got the feeling people didn't approach him often. For over a minute she just stared into his eyes, slightly lost.

"The pleasure is mine."

His voice slid through her, warming her. He has a voice built for sin, the thought nearly made her blush.  

There was a gasp behind her, looking back she saw Inuyasha and stifled the urge to laugh. His face held outrage, stun, and awe.

 "You know,” she said with a grin, “you kind of look like a fish.”

 Turning back to Sesshomaru she held out a hand, regretting it immediately. His closed over hers and lightning slid up her arm. Her blue eyes widened and she clenched her jaw.

Quickly retracting her hand she stepped back. Whirling back to Inuyasha she walked away. It was all she could do not to run. Picking up her bag that sat next to him, having been dropped and forgotten earlier, she said "I'll be in the pool." Turning smoothly she walked away. As she walked past Sesshomaru his eyes caught hers and she caught the ghost of a smile. Frowning she looked to the marble floor and made a vow to stay away from him. No matter much I'm drawn to him, her mind whispered.