The Last Night by Shadowkat83

The Last Night

Title: The Last Night

Rating: T

Warnings: Thoughts of suicide, language, angst

Summary: She was so tired of the pain. So she decided to end it, but then he came and brought that spark back into her life.

Disclaimer: The song in this chapter is called The Last Night and it is the property of the group Skillet. I do not own the song or lyrics in this fic or Inuyasha. I'm just borrowing for entertainment purposes.

A/N: For The Lovely Miko's Song-fic challenge

“Words” talking

Words -lyrics


The Last Night

You come to me with, Scars on your wrist.

You tell me this will be the last night,

Feeling like this.

Kagome stared up at the stars, each one twinkling merrily. But no matter how much she stared, she just couldn't bring herself to admire them like she used to. Most of the time she could fake it for the others, but this night she just had to let everything out. She just couldn't hold it in anymore. She needed to let the pain out somehow. She kneeled in the moss that was scattered about the forest floor. Reaching into the cape she had wrapped around her shoulders, Kagome pulled out a small, easily concealable dagger. She placed the tip of the blade against her wrist and made a clean slice, and then she did the same to the other wrist.

I just came to say good bye

Didn't want you to see me cry

I'm fine

But I know it's a lie

Sesshomaru was following the path with Jaken and Rin on his heels, when the scent of fresh spilled blood made him pause. Strangely enough, it was a familiar scent. Even though his face showed no expression, inside he was frowning. The familiarity of the scent surprised him. With a quick word to Jaken, the Daiyoukai headed for the woods.

He walked until the scent of the hot springs reached his sensitive nose, he knew that was where he'd find the little miko he was searching for. And sure enough, there she found her; adorned in a cape, sitting on a flat rock with a dagger clutched limply in between her delicate fingers. The blood was already starting to pool on the ground beneath her wrists. He looked at her wrists to see a single slash across both of them.

This is the last night

You'll spend alone

Look me in the eyes

So I know you know

I'm everywhere

You want me to be

The last night

You'll spend alone

I'll wrap you in my arms

And I won't let go

I'm everything

You need me to be

Sesshomaru carefully bent over and gently picked up the little miko and cradled her in his arms. He knew that after this, it would take a while for her to heal, but he would be there for her. He headed back to where Jaken and Rin were waiting for him, his precious bundle cradled carefully.

Upon reaching them, he immediately headed out to his shiro, where he could care for the injured miko properly. He was hoping that once she was healed, she would tell him what had made her consider taking her own life.


Your parents say

Everything is your fault

But they don't know you like I know you

They don't know you at all

I'm so sick of when they say

"It’s just a phase you'll be OK

You're fine"

But I know it's a lie

Awareness came to Kagome slowly; the first thing she became aware of was that she was lying on something warm and soft. Her wrists were extremely sore and her arms felt heavy, as if something was weighing her down. As if waking from a dream, she suddenly remembered what had happened; she had tried to kill herself, and apparently someone had saved her. As she was wondering who it could have been, the shoji screen slid open revealing none other than Sesshomaru.

Kagome cocked her head, “Sesshomaru-sama? You were the one who helped me?”

The Daiyoukai of the West nodded as he made his way to the side of the futon that she was resting on. Sitting on the futon next to her, Sesshomaru gently took one of her wrists in his hands, slowly removing the bandages. The cuts had managed to close and the bleeding had stopped. “They still have a ways to go before they are fully healed.” He said as he re-wrapped her wrist. Once that was finished, he then turned so he was facing Kagome, locking his eyes with hers; Sesshomaru then demanded an answer, “Why were you trying to kill yourself, miko?”

Kagome sighed, and then tried to answer, “I'm tired, Sesshomaru-sama. I'm tired of all the things that Inuyasha puts me through, I'm tired of faking a smile so everyone doesn't have to worry, I'm tired of being a burden to Inuyasha and my friends.” Kagome paused to gather her thoughts. “My mom doesn't listen when I tell her about what goes on here. She doesn't believe Inuyasha could do those things. She thinks that I'll just get over it and everything will be back to normal. But it isn't that simple.” Unnoticed by her, there were now tears rolling down her cheeks and she released all of her pent up emotions and told the now silent Demon Lord of the last few months of her travels. “He's always sneaking off to go see Kikyo, but lately when he comes back, he's just, I don't know, a different person.

“He's a lot crueler than he used to be. It used to be just the name calling and the derogatory words and the comparisons, but lately there is more to it. Now he...he...he hits me,” she sobbed. “He never used to do that. But something has changed. And I don't know how to deal with it...” Overcome with her emotions, Kagome had to stop. The tears were now coursing down her cheeks.

Sesshomaru, who had been quiet up until the point, gathered the distressed miko into his arms and let her cry out her pain. He waited patiently for the tears to stop before speaking, “You do not have to worry about the half breed anymore, Kagome.”

Startled that he had used her name, not to mention holding her so close, Kagome jerked her head up and stared, “What do you mean Sesshomaru-sama?”

“This Sesshomaru does not repeat himself miko, you know this. But for you this one will explain.” He began. “This Sesshomaru will take the half breed’s place as your protector. Once you are completely healed, you will travel with my pack.”

“Pack?” Kagome asked dumbly. “Sesshomaru-sama? May I ask a question?” Upon receiving a nod from the Daiyoukai, Kagome continued, “Why did you save me and bring me here?”

Sesshomaru took a moment to think before he answered, “You intrigue this Sesshomaru, miko. You are unlike any of your kind. You are loyal, compassionate, caring, and powerful. However, what really intrigues this one is that you care not that we are youkai and you are a miko. It does not matter to you what we are, but who we are.” Sesshomaru paused, “You have attracted this one's beast from the moment you pulled out my father's sword. Did you think that the Tetsusaiga was the only reason that our two packs met up so often?”

At that Kagome shook her head. “No, I kind of figured that there was another reason that you were coming around, but I'd never have guessed it was because of me.”

Sesshomaru cocked his head, “Do you doubt your appeal so much, miko?”

Again Kagome shook her head, “But you never gave me any sign that you felt this way or that you even liked me. You've always said that humans were beneath your interest. And in case you've forgotten, Sesshomaru-sama, I'm human.”

This time it was Sesshomaru who shook his head, “If I truly still felt that way, do you think that I would let Rin follow me, or Kohaku for that matter?”

Kagome frowned, “What are you trying to tell me? I don't know what you are saying.”

This time Sesshomaru didn't answer, instead he leaned over and connected their lips. To say she was stunned by the sudden kiss would be an understatement. But Kagome soon melted into it.

Sesshomaru kept the kiss gentle as not to scare the fragile woman in his arms. He knew that it would take time for her to fully heal, but he planned on being there every step of the way.

This is the last night

You'll spend alone

Look me in the eyes

So I know you know

I'm everywhere

You want me to be

The last night

You'll spend alone

I'll wrap you in my arms

And I won't let go

I'm everything

You need me to be


The next few months passed in a blur for Kagome, her wounds had completely healed and the bond between her and the Western Lord had been growing stronger every day. Shortly after the first kiss, Kagome had asked Sesshomaru about her quest. He had answered that once her wounds were healed completely they would continue the search for the jewel shards.

(The last night

Away from me)

The night is so long when

Everything's wrong

If you give me your hand

I will help you hold on




Sesshomaru watched as Rin and Kagome played in the field of wildflowers. The girls picked the flowers and then Kagome made them into crowns that were then promptly placed on either Jaken's or Kagome's head. The site of the kappa covered in flowers was amusing, to say the least. But Sesshomaru's thoughts soon turned towards Inuyasha and his small pack. In the months that he had taken Kagome to the shiro after she had tried to kill herself, not once did the tachi come and see how she was doing, not even the small kit that Kagome had claimed as her own.

Sesshomaru looked towards the miko that had plagued his thoughts for so long. If she had noticed that none of her friends were looking for her, then she did not let it show. Which again brought his thoughts back to the question that was bothering him, just where was Inuyasha and the rest of the group.

This is the last night

You'll spend alone

Look me in the eyes

So I know you know

I'm everywhere

You want me to be

The last night

You'll spend alone

I'll wrap you in my arms

And I won't let go

I'm everything

You need me to be

I won't let you say goodbye

And I'll be your reason why

The last night

Away from me

Away from me


A/N and that's it for part one. Stay tuned for part two, One Day Too Late and part three Stronger.