Throwing Sesshoumaru A Bone by KT

What does Sesshoumaru eat?

A/N: Hello everyone! I have finally decided to start writing again, so here it is, a challenge I received from Kirai. (Thank you so much for the title Kirai) I feel that this chapter started off slow, but I wanted to set the mood and tone of this story.  Reviews are very much appreciated! =)


A flash of bright light, and Kagome was transported back 500years into the past. She looked up, seeing the beautiful sunset from inside the dark well.

He should be here any second now...

A shadow fell over her, and she glanced at the set of furry ears, and the face of her hanyou friend Inuyasha.

“Took you long enough” he said with a grunt, reaching out his hand towards her.  

He pulled her up and out of the well, sighing when she reached up and rubbed his ears with an affectionate grin.  

“Hey Inuyasha!”

“Not the ears again... Oy, keep those hands to yourself.” He frowned, trying to hide his happiness at having his ears rubbed.

“Did you bring the box of ramen I asked for?”

“Yes, I brought enough food for weeks.” Kagome replied, gesturing to the bags of food and supplies she brought with her.

Before long, Kagome jumped onto Inuyasha’s back and he carried her quickly back to the rest of their pack.


Setting Kagome down, he watched as she ran over to greet Sango, Kirara and Shippou, staring warily at Miroku’s hand as he walked over to greet her.

When the commotion died down, everyone sat eagerly next to the fire, waiting to see what new things Kagome brought with her from the future.

Kagome held out a ramen bowl, “Inuyasha, here is a bowl of ramen. Just remember you need to save some more for the next few weeks.”

As she handed out prepared foods to the rest of her friends, Kagome suddenly asked.

“By the way, does anyone know if Sesshoumaru and his pack will be coming?”

With a mouthful of noodles, Inuyasha muttered, “Why do you even care about him?”

Sango looked up from her food, “He might just pass by tonight, he always shows up when you come back from home.”

“Thanks Sango.” Kagome said with a smile.

Sure enough, as soon as Kagome started making tea, Sesshoumaru appeared. He walked gracefully into the clearing, bringing Rin on his two-headed dragon, and Jaken trailing behind his master, walking quickly to avoid tripping on his large green feet.

“Lord Sesshoumaru” She acknowledge with a smile and a nod.

The two packs quickly mingled chattering away with giggles and hugs, as Sesshoumaru settled down leaning against a large tree.

“Would you like some food? Or perhaps you would like some tea?” Kagome asked. The fresh minty smell of fresh tea leaves wafted across the clearing and Sesshoumaru replied, “The tea would be acceptable; however this Sesshoumaru does not eat human food.”

Sitting back down across from Sesshoumaru, she snuck a glance at the calm demon lord. She had never seen him eat before. Every time, he would accept the offered tea, but he would never eat anything.

Kagome’s curiosity was spiked. What does Sesshoumaru eat?