Hymns of a Lost Soul by SilentQuill23


A/N: There will be songs, or ‘hymns’, that accompany each chapter.  Some chapters will have song lyrics in them, some will not.  I believe all our lives have soundtracks, so why not demonstrate it?  I very much love music and it is my constant companion.  Being able to write and incorporate my deep love of music is exciting for me.  Please enjoy! (starts off slow, will get good, I promise :D)

Song: Shadows By: Red


~~Hymns of a Lost Soul~~


               “Get down!” The line of trees behind me exploded, sending numberless splinters screaming through the air like so many shards of shattered glass.  The explosion seemed to grow even louder as the bodies of my comrades fell around me; their bodies macabre, bloodied pincushions.  A sharp pain tore through my shoulder as I reached behind me for an arrow.  Without a second thought, I pulled the projectile from my skin and winced.  My adrenaline had numbed the pain, but only just.

               “Miko!  The barrier!”  Sesshomaru called from the fray.  An arrow surrounded by purifying energy left my shaking bow with what should have been deadly accuracy.  But the barrier was far too strong for a lone arrow at such a great distance.  Something warm and wet slapped against my neck.  A fire eyed Sesshomaru stood behind me.  The enemy who had used my moment of distraction to sneak behind me fell, still gushing blood.  “The barrier.”  He ground out.  Without another thought, I launched myself forward towards Naraku.  I was fully intent on ending this nightmare.

                I ran past the bodies of my comrades and my enemies where they littered the ground, making it soggy with their blood.  Inuyasha was in hand to hand combat with about six demons.  There was a nasty gash down his cheek and I could see blood pooled on his hoari.  I couldn’t tell if it was his or not.  Kouga and Hakkaku stood fighting back to back against a grotesque two headed beast.  Ginta lay dead not five feet from them.  Miroku, as a last resort, had his cursed hand unwrapped and pointed towards the sky, a visibly futile attack on Kagura.  My legs were screaming from the run, and my heart willing me to go help.  Finally, I passed Sango.  In a sick twist of fate she was battling Kohaku.  Her attacks obviously only meant to defend and disarm, not kill like his were.  And there was Naraku, standing in front of it all, surrounded by a purple barrier, smiling.  I was sick.  How could one person cause so much pain and devastation and enjoy it?  He would pay.  Naraku would pay for the pain of everyone he’d ever hurt every family he’d ever broken, every dream he’d ever shattered!  A sudden violent rage overtook me causing me to run blindly at Naraku’s barrier and bury an arrow to the hilt into Naraku’s barrier.  Time seemed to stop as a blinding jolt shot violently up my arm across every nerve in my body, fraying them and setting the alight with fire.  The pain seemed to last for eternity before it was suddenly gone.  I collapsed, gasping for air.  The ground beneath me was strangely cool, the air hung heavy with a thick mist.  A rustle to my left caught my attention.  Standing before me was the Miko Midoriko.  I had never seen her before, nor had she ever been physically described to me.  But, somehow, I knew it was her.  I dropped my head in a bow of reverence.

                “Please, Kagome.  There is no need for that.  We are very much equals.”  A sudden thought struck me.

                “I died.”


                “No, Kagome.  Unfortunately the Gods have not seen fit to give you rest yet.  There is much ahead for you.  And much of it will not be pleasant.”


                “I don’t understand. If I’m not dead, where are we?”


                “Nowhere, really.  The shock you received from Naraku’s barrier almost killed you.  Had you not passed out and let go of the arrow, you would be dead now.”  A shiver of fear shot through me.  I could have died.  “With your defenses down, I was able to slip into your subconscious to deliver a message and put a barrier around you.”  I was still very shaken from my near death experience and only able to mumble a barely coherent,


                 “The Gods will this to be the final battle against Naraku.  They have not stepped in so far in regards to him but he has finally managed to catch their attention.  They cannot destroy him themselves, though.  It must be done by someone on his own plane of existence; even the Gods have rules they must follow.  But, this will be the end of him if you listen carefully and follow my instructions.  But first, I must speak with you of the jewel.”  My hand lifted to grasp at the small bottle resting against my chest.  “When I made the jewel I was young and foolish.  To change anything about the way life is now would be selfish.  Therefore, the only pure wish would be no wish at all.  The jewel must be wished away where it cannot hurt or change anyone or anything.”  I looked to Midoriko, my confusion evident on my face.

                 “Would it not be a pure wish to wish that all would return to the state it was in before the jewel?  What if I wished to bring back everyone whom Naraku had hurt, undo everything Naraku had done?”  Midoriko’s kind face shone with pity and regret.

                 “What of the things that have happened because of Naraku?  What of the widow of the soldier lost in past fights against Naraku who found new love?  Would you bring her old husband back and make her choose?  What of the friendships that have been forged when villages joined together in their fight against Naraku?  Would you have those friendships broken?  To wish for things to go back to what they were would be selfish simply in that it would cause sadness in the lives of the innocent to bring happiness to a small few.  There is, unfortunately, no pure wish but to wish the jewel destroyed.”  My heart was leaden at the news.  I had wanted to save Kohaku, to reunite the broken families.  But even as I thought it, I realized how selfish the wish was.  I  would see those I love happy, where some might suffer.

                 “Understood, Midoriko.”  A  quick smile touched Midoriko’s lips before she continued on.

                 “With the strength I have been given to aide you I have placed your body within Naraku’s barrier and temporarily blinded him.  All Naraku’s strength and concentration is going into maintaining that barrier and his control over his minions so you must use this temporary distraction to your advantage. When you wake immediately channel all the energy you can possibly spare into this arrow,” Midoriko presented me with a solid metal arrow, “and stab it directly into the spider on his back.  His barrier will fall and all hell will quite literally break lose.  Your body will be in a weakened state but you must fight on.  He will be unable to transport out of the battle, will be unable to fight, and will be very weak.  Because of this he will call all those he controls to protect him.  If they get there before your allies do, you must keep them from taking his body.  Fight with everything you have to keep him where his is.  Your comrades will find you but it may take some time for them to get through the mass of demons he will call to surround him.”  Midoriko’s face fell from its fierce determination.  “I am so sorry this burden had to fall on one so pure as you.  Yet, I fear, had it not been you Naraku would have succeeded.  Do not worry my child.  The Gods have a plan for you.  Though it is not the one you have sought for so long.”  With a soft kiss to the top of my head Midoriko took two steps back and raised her arms.  “Go child, you will have only seconds after you wake!”  Eyes bright with energy, Midoriko threw her arms down, dropping the mist from around us and disappearing into it.  My eyes shot open.  Immediately I stood, the arrow fisted in my hand as I forced every ounce of energy I could find into it.  I stood directly behind a struggling Naraku and raised my arm towards the sky,

                 “Hit the mark!”