Clash of Alphas by sarhea

Puppy Love Challenge - Take a Bow!

AN: decided to draw inspiration from Dokuga_Contest’s Puppy Love Challenge as well.

Prompt: Puppy Love Challenge - Take a Bow!

~ooO Under the Big Top Ooo~

Kagome sighed as she settled down to watch Miroku do his con-man routine, a minor variation on a religious ritual, burning stinky herbs and plenty of chanting.

Earlier that morning the group had been approaching a fairly prosperous looking human village. Miroku had recommended they replenish their supplies, but before the miko could ask Sesshoumaru if he was willing to help defray the cost, the monk approached the most prosperous looking middle-aged villager and told him, “Good sir, there is an ominous aura over your village.” Predictably the prosperous looking man (who turned out to be the village headman) insisted the group stay and ‘purify the ominous aura’.

Sango huffed but did not argue; she was used to Miroku’s routine. InuYasha grumbled and huffed but said nothing. Shippo took opportunity of the unexpected break to sneak into Kagome’s pocky stash and share his acquisitions with Rin. Sesshoumaru watched bemused but did not say anything.

Kagome was horribly embarrassed but resigned. Every time Miroku did this she followed up with a second ritual for a genuine blessing, for good luck and good health, before the group left. She winced as Miroku shook his shakujo, rattling the brass rings and tapping the capped end against the ground. He looked like a ringmaster, capturing and keeping the attention of the awed uneducated villagers. He’d fit right into a circus show. Heck, he’d be perfect for a role in the Big Top with all his theatrics! All he needed was a red coat, a whip, some practice at taking a bow before an audience, and he’d be a perfect Ringmaster.
