I Think I Broke Him by Night Fox

I think I broke him

It was time to tell the others, Kagome had decided. The relationship between herself and Sesshoumaru had finally become physical and she knew that if she didn't tell them, it would eat her away at the core.

Sure she had been lying to them this whole time but now it was time to get it off her chest.

Naturally Sesshoumaru decided to stand back and watch for the inevitable explosion which left Kagome, who was red faced about the situation alone, to tell her friends.

She stood before them, staring at her shifting feet, clenching and unclenching her hands. InuYasha tapped his foot impatiently with his arms crossed. "Well, what did ya want us all here for!"

Kagome twiddled her thumbs and bit her lip. "Well, you see... um... it's kind of complicated. You know how I've been taking care of Rin?"

The three nodded, finally glad to be getting some where with their miko friend. "I kind of... you know how when you meet some one and really get to know them and -"

InuYasha cut her off. "JUST SPIT IT OUT!" He snarled. She jumped back a pace and then frowned at her hanyo friend.

"You don't have to be rude!" She spat back. "I wouldn't have to be if you just told us!" He growled back.

"Fine! You want to know? I slept with your brother!" Kagome wanted to smack herself in the head. That was not the way she had planned on telling them at all. When she finally realized how quiet it was did she focus on the hanyo in front of her.

He stood, mouth part open, unblinking, and stock still. "InuYasha?" She asked quietly and waved her hand in front of his face. She tapped and poked and prodded and he didn't move an inch.

Turning to her two companions she said the only thing that came to mind.

"I think I broke him."