Saving The Heartless by VampireGoddess12Xx

The beginning of a new trip

"Inuyasha may I please go home for a few days?" Kagome asked with a sweet voice filled with hope

"Are you kidding me?!" Inuyasha yelled "You can't go home!! We have jewel shards to collect!"

Kagome eyes narrowed "Inuyasha..." Her voice low and threatening; Inuyasha's ears flattened on his head and he gulped "SIT!" She shouted


"I'm going home" She said as she peered at the hanyou in his crater "I'll be back in a couple days"

She threw her legs over the lip of the old magical well "And Inuyasha, if you come get me I'll S-I-T you to oblivion" With that she slipped in and disappeared in a flash of blue light leaving a fuming hanyou behind.

After the blue light faded Kagome found herself back in her own time. She climbed the ladder out of the well and then proceeded to leave the well house. She slipped her dirt ridden shoes off at the door as she looked around her seemingly empty home. Did her family go somewhere?

"Mama?" She called to see if maybe that were somewhere else in the house

No response

She shrugged her shoulders, oh well. She walked to the fridge to get a glace of juice and noticed the note on the counter.

Kagome, we went to the grocery store we shouldn't be gone long.

~Love Mom

Kagome smiled, she'd have time to relax a bit before her family returned. She stretched and sighed as she made her way to the bathroom. Kagome drew herself a bath and put some lavender scented bath beads in the tub. Slowly she lowered herself in and sighed in contentment. How she loved a nice lavender scented bath rather than the sulfuric smell of the hot springs. It was just so relaxing. After a while there was a knock at the bathroom door.

"Kagome?" Her mother called "Are you in there?"

Kagome opened her eyes not realizing how quickly time had passed "Yes mama I'll be out in a moment" She replied

"Alright dear" Her mother said

Kagome got out of the bath and let the water from the tub. She towel dried her hair and dressed in pajamas as night had settled in. She walked downstairs and found her brother sitting on the couch watching television. He turned around and looked at her and the continued to watch his show. Kagome rounded a corner and entered the kitchen where her mother was sitting at the table reading the newspaper and drinking her tea.

Kagome's mother looked up and smiled "Good evening dear" She said; Kagome smiled at her mother in response "If you're hungry there's some leftovers in the fridge"

"No thank you mama I'm not hungry" Kagome replied

"Alright" her mother said

"I just came down to say goodnight" Kagome yawned and hugged her mother

"Night dear"

Kagome made her way back upstairs and to her room. She plopped down on her soft bed and buried her face into the freshly washed sheets. She crawled under the covers and stared into the darkness waiting for sleep to take her. It didn't come as quickly as she had hoped. It was 12:30 when she last looked at the clock near her bed. She sighed and turned over to face the wall. Around 2 she finally found the dark comfort of sleep and embraced it happily.

In her sleep she tossed and turned dreaming of silky silvery hair and warm golden eyes. She sighed in her sleep and mumbled something almost inaudible


Only too soon she was awakened by the loud obnoxious sound of the alarm clock. She growled and hit the off button, hard. She groaned as she looked towards the bright sun that shined through her window. The wooden floor was cold on her feet as she walked to her dresser. Kagome sighed, it was a Saturday. She figured she'd run out to the store to stock up on some stuff for gang.

Kagome dressed in a light blue spaghetti strap dress that stopped just below her knees. She looked at herself in the mirror before she left her room and went downstairs to grab something to eat before heading out. Her mother was up preparing breakfast for the family. Kagome could smell the cooking bacon, it smelled like the most wonderful thing she had ever smelled after being gone so long.

"Good morning Mama" Kagome said

"Morning dear" Her mother replied as she finished cooking the breakfast

Kagome took her seat at the table and waited for breakfast to be ready. Her tired brother walked came down as the smell of breakfast reached his nose. He rubbed his eyes tiredly and took a seat next to his sister. Then her grandfather came in from outside and took his seat across the table from them both.

Soon breakfast was served and everyone dug in happily. Kagome was the happiest of all after going so long without tasting the glorious food. How she absolutely loved the amazing taste and smell of bacon. Kagome munched happily on her bacon strips and eggs. After breakfast Kagome helped her mom clean up the table.

"Where do you plan on going today Kagome?" Her mother asked

"I'm going to the grocery store to get some food before I had back" Kagome said

"Alright dear, here's some money" Kagome gladly accepted the money with a smile and thanks before running out the door.

Kagome walked down the busy streets toward the grocery store unaware of the presence following her. She quietly hummed to herself as she walked. It took only fifteen minutes to arrive at her destination. The store was air-conditioned and it felt nice after walking in the mildly humid heat. Kagome walked up and down the isle with her basket. She grabbed some Ramen for Inuyasha and some other foods that wouldn't spoil. It didn't take long for her to gather everything she needed and checking out.

Again she found herself on the hot streets walking home. The heat didn't bother her though, it could be much hotter, she knew. She began to hum the tune she'd previously been humming as she continued home. Though she hadn't realized she'd been followed before the presence was no longer there. Kagome continued to walk until she reached the shrine steps. There she paused and sighed before continue up the long steps.

She removed her shoes as walked and turned towards her kitchen. The person sitting in her kitchen sitting calmly drinking tea with her mother had shocked and confused.


I, unfortunately, have to go to a family reunion today. So while I'm trying not to shove toothpics in my eyes I'll be thinking of you guys and what I'll put in my next chapter. So reveiw! And pray I'll be able to read them!

<3 Josh