For Riku Ryuu's Random Prompts on the Dokuga forums.
Bed - 379
Kagome let out a squeak of surprise as she felt herself being lifted off the ground. Instinctively, she wrapped her legs around his waist to secure herself. The action ripped a groan from Sesshoumaru's throat and the miko blushed a bright pink, knowing that everyone was still watching and had certainly head the sound.
"That is likely the least of which they will see or hear at some point in time," he whispered in her ear, making her blush darken as he chuckled. "It will be nearly impossible for this Sesshoumaru to keep his hands off of you."
"Not in front of the children!" she hissed.
"No, not in front of the children, at least not the worst of it, but I'm sure your other companions will see something at one time or another. Do not allow yourself to be embarrassed."
She noticed he was carrying her away from the group and gave her friends a half-hearted wave before burying her face in his shoulder. Her nose brushed his neck and he groaned again. Finding she enjoyed the sound, Kagome decided to push it a little further, letting her tongue slip out to taste his flesh. She was jostled a bit then, feeling suddenly lower as his knees went weak for a moment.
"Where is a bed when you need one?" he purred in her ear and she laughed.
"Oh, I don't think so. You're not getting me into bed just yet. I know you heard me when I said a relationship takes time and sharing, getting to know one another."
"You will find there is very little about you that this Sesshoumaru does not already know."
"And how's that?" she asked curiously.
"Your companions and Rin were correct. I have been watching you."
She laughed. "Gee, stalker much?"
"While I do not know the meaning of that term, I can assure you it was for a noble purpose."
"And what's that?"
Sesshoumaru pulled back to look into her eyes, a very serious expression on his face. "It is essential to know everything one can about one's prey, and you, little miko, are most definitely my prey. Here we are, and it seems as though I've captured you." He smirked as she laughed. "And I'm never letting you go."