Sunlight and Shadow by Lyra

Through the Leaves of the Night

- Seven Treasures Challenge -


Through the Leaves of the Night


Sesshomaru slept that night in the shape of the Beast that lurked within him.

His various captains and servants scattered as he transformed, and the great golden-eyed Inuyoukai padded in a circle, marking out its spot in the center of the throne room. Instead of going to his usual chambers, he curled up and slept in the middle of the vast hall.

None dared come near during the night; Sesshomaru twitched and growled as he slept, and the hall echoed with terrible rumblings. He was dreaming, of the hunt and of the ocean; of pathless forests and a lingering aroma of light – of white-crested waves and dark water...of the smell of the sea, the salt-strong sea...

He knew this dream; it ended, always, with a woman. A beautiful woman, with long black hair and luminous skin...a woman whose single eye stared at him unflinchingly, a stare of endless blue.

When he woke, it was with that stare on his mind. Suddenly, he knew what he would do. He would go out onto the sea, a mere captain once more, his fate and fortune tied to wind and waves.

He would go, and search for the woman; the woman of the lapis lazuli eye.



Word Count: 200

Prompt: Lapis Lazuli

A/N: Chapter two, finished! The Pirate King dreams of a woman....hmm...who could she be, I wonder? Oh! And the title of this chapter is from a poem by Pablo Neruda, from his “Sonnet XXI”. Great guy; check him out! :D

Please Review!