All That Glitters by Lillian

Permanently Out of Stock

Disclaimer: I hereby disclaim and do forever disclaim any possibility of owning Rumiko Takahashi's Inuyasha.

So I had planned to have this whole fic finished by Sunday (i.e. THREE days ago), but chapter six reallly got me bothered. Here I am on Wednesday, having left y'all hanging, with this long awaited chapter! *kicks chapter* It was beng difficult. *sniffs* I hate difficult chapters.


Her mind was all aflutter as she waited for Sesshomaru to come in-- she wouldn’t be able to find him another way, and unless he was a complete stalker, he wouldn’t be able to find her any other way.

Before coming to work, Kagome had agonized over what to wear. A red blouse? A skirt? Something conservative? Cashmere...would something made of wool bother his nose? Would he like it better if she wore a dress? Almost immediately after thinking about it, Kagome felt stupid. It’s not like he would care anyways--men didn’t seem to notice what she wore, and if he did notice, it would be because she was not wearing something tasteful, which she wouldn’t do. Kagome wouldn’t wear some lace bra with the buttons undone to reveal it as if she was for sale instead of the jewelry in her shop! Kagome wasn’t a...well, anyways, she was going to wear what she pleased, and his opinion be dammed!

There was also the question of how to show how sorry she was for jumping to conclusions, though it wasn’t her fault because she most certainly had limited evidence to work with! She wouldn’t be groveling on hands and knees in front of him, begging for forgiveness; in fact, the thought of him doing that was quite nice. Mmm...a begging inuyoukai. Maybe if he was good, she’d give him a...treat.

No! She’d digressed--he wouldn’t be begging for her to take him back. She’d be begging. However, one day down the line (if her took her back, not that they’d ever been together) she’d have him on hands and knees. Oh, yes.

Wait! No fantasizing about those muscular hands of his gripping her thighs as he--

Obviously this wasn’t getting her anywhere, Kagome inwardly griped as she puttered around the store making last minute adjustments to the display cases before opening the store. When had she turned into such a horny woman?

Kagome glanced at herself to make sure she wasn’t manifesting her ki. When she go thorny, she tended to let lose a little. It was nothing to worry about, however--it wasn’t harmful to either youkai or humans she’d been with; in fact, the youkai she had been with had told her that a little burn from her ki only heightened the pleasure, but Kagome wasn’t keen on broadcasting the fact that she was horny. “Welcome to Kazurahana’s, honored customer! I’m turned on: wanna go to the back and get it on?” wouldn’t exactly get her any brownie points with the customers.

She flipped the sign on the door from ‘closed’ to ‘open’ with no plan in mind and resigned herself to waiting on the handsome inuyoukai to show his face.


He didn’t show. She’d even stayed through lunch, and her stomach was angry at her, growling every five minutes to remind her of her failure to feed it.

Kagome checked her watch again. It was six fifteen, and she normally closed at six. She was being stupid, hoping that if she waited just that much longer, he would show up.

“Just admit it,” she whispered to herself. “You blew it, and he’s not coming back.”

Wearily, Kagome trudged her way home and resigned herself to a lonely evening of t.v. dinners and an anime.


Bells on the door jingled and Kagome looked up, a small amount of hope flaring up in her that it would be Sesshomaru. It wasn’t: it was a nice couple, a...wolf youkai and a human woman. If he hadn’t come by now, a whole two agonizingly long days later, then he wasn’t coming.

She sighed and smiled at the couple. “Welcome to Kazurahana’s, honored customers! How may I help you?”

The wolf zoned in on her immediately, eyes going up and down her body. Kagome resisted the urge to roll her eyes at the action. Didn’t the man have any tact? He was here with his special somebody and he was checking her out!”

“Kouga, stop it!” the woman scolded, before looking at her apologetically. “He does that to everyone.”

“I only go home with you, babe,” the wolf responded, pulling her close to him, and the woman half heartedly pushed him away before giving in with a good natured smile a kiss to his tanned cheek.

“You pervert.”

Kouga kissed his wife. “Your pervert, Sango. Only yours.” He smirked at her.

Sango rolled her eyes.

It was obvious that they had been together for some time, Kagome reflected, looking at the obvious love the two shared. The woman knew his eyes might wander, but his heart didn’t, and in the end that was all that mattered.

Kagome cleared her throat. “Ahem.” The two were nudged out of their own world, and they turned to look at her. “How may I help you?”

“Oh, right!” Kouga grinned. “Sorry--I got distracted by my beautiful mate over here. Isn’t she just amazing?”

Sango giggled. “Oh, please, Kouga. You’re acting like we’ve been mated for two years: it’s been over five hundred.”

“Yeah, so?” he squeezed her waist. “You’re still my woman, and I like my woman.” Kagome almost overdosed on the lovey-dovey aura they were emitting and resisted the urge to call the nearby hospital and check herself in.

The two continued to love on each other in increasingly sappy comments until Sango seemed to realize they were in public. “Kouga, stop!” she hissed.


Sango pointedly moved her eyes in Kagome’s direction. “You know.”

“Uh...” Obviously he wasn’t getting the message.

She sighed and pinched the brow of her nose, turning to face Kagome. “Hi. we came here to--”

“Get a gift for my little mate here!” Kouga interrupted, finishing her sentence.

Kagome, ready to go mope in privacy and therefore ready to get away from the lovebirds, asked, “A gift? What kind of gift?”

“Sango here is pregnant again with our twenty-ninth pup, and I wanted to get her something nice as a congratulatory gift.” Kouga couldn’t look prouder of Sango in that moment and looked like the cat that got the cream.

The aforementioned pregnant woman blushed and placed a hand over her stomach protectively. “Yes.” She smiled shyly. “He’s just the sweetest, isn’t he?” Adoring eyes looked up at her mate, and they looked about ready to start all over with the smooching and horribly sappy endearments with each other, so Kagome moved the transaction right along.

“Congratulations!” she beamed at them. “Well, we have several items that might fit you two. Perhaps a crystal to show how elegant and beautiful your wife is during pregnancy? I hear men think their wives grow only more elegant with pregnancy.”

“Oh, yes,” Kouga fairly purred. “My wife is very...elegant.”

How he managed to make the word perverted Kagome didn’t know.

“How about a bracelet?” she suggested. “Perhaps a charm bracelet to add charms to? We have several that have crystals imbedded in the chain itself.”

The trio picked their way through their fair share of crystal jewelry before settling on a simple, yet elegant hair comb. She rang them up and watched them walk out hand in hand, and jealousy arose in her.

She wanted that. She wanted that badly, and she’d scared off the only man she’d been interested in for a long time.

Kagome’s Love Life: 0

Forever Alone: 10000


Words: 1232

Prompt: Crystal