Demonology by Embry Solmes


Sesshomaru stood tall and straight with his back pressed firmly against the tree, allowing the darkness of the night to keep him concealed in the shadows. The air that surrounded him was cold and sharp, yet within its grasp he could still pick out her saccharine scent. He had stood quietly over her, withholding his presence from her knowledge. He could not let it be known that for the past two nights he had watched her shed tears over his disreputable brother. But even then wasn't he just as reprehensible?

He had watched her run amorously through the forest the first night, while he was passing through, seeking for comfort in the depths of the darkness. Sesshomaru was greatly intrigued initially, but by the next night something highly unheard of took its place. Witnessing her cries of pain and listening to her small shouts of resentment he had found himself wanting to reach out to her. So much so that his fingertips were mere inches from her trembling shoulders as she sobbed into the palms of her hands. The absurdity of it all had made itself known in his mind. How, in such little time, this human had seemed to affect him in more ways than one.

It occurred to him by the third night as she sat on a log, her long sad face glancing up at the moon, that he realized his true feelings. This human was different, not like any of the illogical fools he had encountered throughout his long desolate life. He loved her. Yet loving her wasn't enough, there were things that he knew he would never be able to give her. He wasn't the one that would make her happy, although he doubted if his brother could even fulfill that role. Inuyasha was stuck in the false world of the dead miko, and as far as he knew, would forever be trapped there.

On the fourth night, he had discovered her lying nuzzled asleep in the crook of a tree. He kneeled down to her level observing her delicate features. Soft pale skin, long eyelashes, and light pink tinted lips. Lips that even his own brother hadn't the courage to grasp. They looked inviting and…delicious. Sesshomaru could hear the soft rhythm of her breathing, slow and tranquil. He inched closer making sure not to wake her, and placed his lips on her own gently, only allowing himself to briefly take in their sweetness.

Seeing as it was a rare opportunity he took it, only to realize that it would be the end of him. Never being able to go further than that one kiss wrecked his entire body with agony. By no means would he ever be able to fully taste what she had to offer; it wounded him. He would forever be condemned to watch her within the depths of the shadows, never offering her his love. Sesshomaru knew this was the way it had to be. It was only right to let her live the life she wished, and he knew that it wasn't to be with him. Realizing this he stood up and slowly walked back into the shadows his silver hair glistening in the soft moonlight. Nonetheless he would be back, destined to keep afar and merely watch; he was fine with even that.

Originally Posted: March 2011
Word Count:554

Quick Note:First three drabbles were posted on but I will now start posting them here first.