The Switch by Bunni~

The Plan

Ok, I decided to start a drabble thingy cause well, they'd be easier to update ^^;



Naraku watched both Inuyasha's group and Sesshomaru's little entourage. He needed something to distract them both. He didn't want waste energy on both of them, if only there was a way to kill the two birds with one stone.....

Staring into the magic pool he had acquired, he noticed Jaken lecturing the little human....Rin....that traveled with the Great Western Lord. Then he looked over to see Inuyasha and Kagome having yet another argument.

That's when it clicked. It was so simple. He will simply switch the two humans. The girls important to each of their groups. He smirked and stood up to start plotting.


“I don't care how close we are to finding Naraku's hiding place this time, I wanna rest. Now!” Kagome barked at Inuyasha.

“I said no! I'm in charge around here wench!” He yelled back. The other sat on the ground quietly, glad that either way they get some form of rest. Inuyasha looked at them. “Get your lazy asses up!”

“Don't yell at them like that!” Kagome said, gaining back his attention. “We're only human Yasha, we need to have time to sit down after a long day of running around fighting demons and searching for shards! I also need time to practice!”

“Practice what? You're little Miko powers? Keh, you won't get anywhere, so why bother? You should be focusing on detecting those shards.” He snorted. Kagome's eye twitched. Shippo's eyes widened when he saw that, Miroku and Sango started getting out tea, Kagome was about to win this battle.

“SIT! SIT! SIT!” She screamed, and kept screaming. “SIT TO THE VERY PITS OF HELL INUYASHA!!!!” She finally breathed in, looking into the crater she had created using Inuyasha.

“You.....stupid.....” Inuyasha mumbled unable to finish. The gang had all relaxed thinking it was over and that they would have a few minutes of peace before Inuyasha recovered till a rush of wind went through the area.

“You simpletons never change. Do you.” A chilling voice said. They people still consious looked ot find Kagura entering the clearing cradling something.

“Kagura!” Sango gritted through her teeth, grabbing her weapon.

“Oh no need for that, I'm just here to drop off this.” She purred, referring to the sleeping child in her arms.

“Rin!?” Kagome gasped, shocked. “Why? How...?”

“Oh don't worry Kagome, soon you will have the same problem.” Kagura smirked, and set the child down. Preparing for battle.