Disclaimer: Though it saddens me to say it, I don’t own anything relating to Takahashi-sensei’s Inuyasha. However, the plot of this drabble series does belong to me as well as any OCs that may show up along the way.
A/N: None. :) Update 1 of 5.
Chapter 421: Take Your Time
“If I tried something…” Kagome hesitated, biting her lip. She was hyperaware of the broad back pressed against her front as well as the firm muscles beneath her hands.
Never before had she been this close to a man and fully naked at the same time. Dispelling the previous haze from her mind, she didn’t think it was appropriate for unmated pack members either. What did he see her as?
“Can you promise that you won’t be mad?”
Sesshoumaru turned within the circle of her arms and raised himself up so they were eye level. “Do what you want, miko.”
Original Posting Date: February 7, 2016
Prompt: For Stella’s “Soundtrack” Challenge, Trigger
Soundtrack: Saiyuki / Theme: Outcast
Words: 100