Birds of a Feather by Aviel


Disclaimer: Though it saddens me to say it, I don’t own anything relating to Takahashi-sensei’s Inuyasha. However, the plot of this drabble series does belong to me as well as any OCs that may show up along the way.

A/N: None. :) Update 6 of 10.

Chapter 416: Typhoon

Intimacy was something she had once thought he lacked.

Cold and unfeeling toward everyone he dealt with, Sesshoumaru had always seemed untouchable. But now she knew she had been wrong.

Yes, the inu-youkai wore his stoicism like a mask, never giving away his innermost emotions, but he, too, had a heart. No matter how hard he tried to bury it beneath layers of tension and misunderstandings, he wasn’t a bad person; Tenseiga was proof of that.

Maybe it was just his instincts coming out to play after all these years…

But Kagome hoped she had some worth in his eyes.


Original Posting Date: December 30, 2015

Prompt: For Stella’s “Soundtrack” Challenge, Immanence

Soundtrack: Death Note / Theme: Corruption

Words: 100