He has a secret. by Bunni~

Chapter 1

Ok....making anotehr story randomly. Beause I can :D



Kagome sat at her desk staring at the clock. It was friday and she was ready to hang out on the town with her buddies. Sighing, she turned to look over at her seat nieghbor and best friend Inuyasha.

"Hey, Yasha, is there anyway to make time go faster? Why did we have to take study hall as our seventh period?" She whisperd to him.

"Pfft, baka, if I could make time go faster I would. And we do because, this stupid school doesn't allow free periods. Yeah, it can be co-ex, but manages to be stricter then most Human or Demon schools." He muttered quitely annoyed. Kagome giggled. She really wanted to go to this co-ex school, cause she was a supporter of demons and humans co-existing but their rules were sometimes a little stupid. Demons have to look as human as....humanly possible. And if any humans are Mikos they have to wear these special bracletts that makes their powers weaker. She looked at the litle chain around her wrist. She understood the precautions, but really? It was tiring to wear it. She couldn't wait to rip off the damned thing.

"Psssst, Kaggers. Psssssssssssssssssssst!" Kagome heard a low voice call to her. She turned to look at Koga.

"What?" She mouthed back.

"Are you ready to be my woman yet?" He asked. She shoook her head and replied.

"Can YOU make time go faster?"She quirked a brow at him.

"No..." He answered disheartedly.

"Then no." Inyasha snickered and recieved a paper ball to the head.

"YOU BASTARD!" He yelled looking back at Koga.

"In there a problem over here?" The library head had made her way over to the group.

"Um, no?" Kagome said sheepishly.

"I was talking to your little companion Miss Higurashi." The teacher looked at her and glared.

"Keh." Was Inuyasha response while Koga just stayed quiet.

"That's what I thought." She said and walked away. Once she was out of ear shot Kagome looked at her two friends.

"How did I end up in the same class with both of you idiots!" She seethed.

"Hey, you forgettin about me m'dear sweet Kagome." Another voice popped up from in front of her.

"Miroku, I can sense your hand is getting too close. I would make it retreat now before your face meets a full on attack from MY hand." She said looking at him from the corner of her eye. He did as he was told with a look of defeat "And I shall rephrase. How did I end up in class with all three of my idiot guy friends."

"Oh you love us really." Miroku said.

"Sometimes I wonder why." She smiled with a roll of her eyes.

Later after class, her and her friend were walking towards Sango' locker. Hoping to meet up with her quickly. Inuyasha had his arm around Kagome's shoulders like usual making sure a certain wolf's arm wasn't. They were all joking at talking when Kagome sighted Inuyasha's brother.

"Hey, Sesshomaru! Leave your group of fans already and come join us." She called. The white haired demon was surrounded by his usual flock of females, both demonesses and human girls alike. They all glared at Kagome, who was oblivious to the fact that they all hated her. Sesshomaure got up from the wall he was leaning on, secretly thankful that he now had a excuse to leave this little party. In all truth he disliked his brother and a few of his friends, but considering all the guys in his grade were too jealous of him to like him, he had no choice but to hang out with these idiots.

He liked Kagome, the slayer, and Miroku a bit, they were the only ones who were even sensible. Even though the monk did have his moments. He also had no problem with Kikyo and Ayame. But Kikyo had an interest in his brother, so he figured she had bad judgement, and Ayame was too young for him to converse with too much. Then again, Kagome was only a year older then her, and would've been the youngest had Ayame not been a freshman. He looked over at Kgaome again, and notice his brother's arm around her shoulder, again. If only he had the right to do that, or be able to tell her things he wanted to say like the wolf managed to do, even if he gets rejected every time. Sighing, he continued to make his way over to them not bothering saying goodbye to the 'fans' he was leaving behind.

"Kaggers, why did you do that?" Inyasha complained. "We could have left him here and went out without him."

"Obviously she likes me more then you." Sesshomaru said, once he got over to them.

"Pfft, Kagome loves me the most." Koga said.

"In your dreams Koga." Kagome sighed.

"Ha, rejected for the thousandth time." Inuyasha laughed. Koga bopped him on the head. Inuyasha stopped laughing and hit him back. It would have turned into a one on one fight if Sango hadn't appeared and smacked their heads together.

"Why are you two always fighting?" She sighed pinching her nose in annoyance. Kagome quickly hugged her friend tightly. Inuyasha was her best friend, when it came to guys. But Sango beat everyone and was her girl best friend. Sango patted her friend appriciatively, and whispered in her ear. "The perv didn't touch you today did he?"

"I wouldn't let him." Kagome whispered back, winking. "He's off limits since a certain friend of mine is in looooove with him."

"Oh shut up." Sango rolled her eyes.

"Where's Ayame and Kikyo?" Miroku asked looking around.

"I think kikyo was trying to help her study." Sango answered. "It only makes sense, Kikyo is a senior, she basically already knows everything that our little freshman should need."

"Yeah, but isn't Sessho already taking some college courses?" Kagome asked, turning to him.

"Hn." He said simply. "But I'm still only a senior in this ridiculous school as well."

"Keh. Smartypants." Inuyasha scoffed.

"Says the one who was held back and is only in sophmore year when he should b a junior. Like the rest of us, exept Kaggers." Koga put in.

"Shut up wolf."

"KOGA~~~~~~" A highpitched squeal interrupted their conversating. Ayame had shown up, Kikyo behind her, and glomped Koga like there was no tomorrow. They all watch the little red head barrel him to the ground.

"Well, the gangs all here. Let's go!" Kagome said pointing to the doors ina forward march motion. They all walked down the hall, random people watched them all go. Little did the group know they were famous. There was Kikyo and Kagome, sisters who were two years apart yet looked sligtly like twins despite their hair and eyes, with completely different personalities and were powerful mikos. The slayer who was amazing at sports. The lecherous monk. Koga and Ayame who were rumored to be engaged already despte his obsession with Kagome. Then there was the Inu brothers, who were like Kikyo and Kagome, They looked alike, but they were completely different in hair, eyes, and personality. Sesshomaru who was the most popular guy in school and Inuyasha who was known for being a foulmouthed baka.


Sooo much better then my previosu stories right? ^^

Anyway, I did this on a friend's computer cause I was bored and this storyline was in my head.

I like school setting. Btw, co-ex = co-existing. In case you didn't catch that.

Anyway, hope its ok so far