Secret Vice by Wynter89

And so It begins

Disclaimer: I do not own, sell, or partake in any profit from the characters in this story.

Secret Vice


I am doomed! There is no other explanation for this hell I am living through. It started innocent enough, of course it did, otherwise I would not be here! Damn, now how cliché was that?

Breath Kagome, just breath! Don’t think of baka Hanyou’s, hentai monks, and worst of all, an orally fixated Dai Youkai! There you go! Now don’t you feel better…?

How did it begin? When, why? What happened?!

Who is to blame, me? No! The blame lies at the feet of the baka’s back in the Sengoku Era Yeah, that is right, you heard me, they are to blame! How dare they ruin my sweet succulent pickle! Grrr!


Okay, I am calm, I swear!

Nothing special to note, except for the newest line of pictures littering my wall, all of which are now sporting holes. What can I say, a girl needs to vent, it is either a ritual burning, darts and on special occasions arrows at pictures of ‘loved ones’, and my personal favourite and best stress reliever, a sitting session with Inuyasha.

Don’t get me wrong, I am in no way violent, not really, at least compared to the majority of those who live in the Sengoku period.

Now where was I? Oh, yes, how could I forget? My PICKLE!

There are not too many ways to get me angry, unless your Inuyasha, then your screwed. I am usually a sweet, playful, loving person… But these ingrates have gone too far!

I have a, how do I phrase this, an addiction to pickles. THERE, I’ve said it, or rather wrote it, but who is really keeping track. WHO CARES? I DO, because it is my bloody pickle addiction turned against me!

See what they have done to me, I’ve become vindictive and bi-polar! Am I considered crazy if I respond to my own question?

Okay, I can see that you are tired of my little rant, and you want to get into the story and learn what happened. How could it be so bad, get over it, right? Oh no, I am awaiting my revenge.

Oh, my darling imported ‘Vlasic Pickle”, the mouthwatering combination of dill and garlic, the crunch and juicy burst of flavor of the first bite… The seemingly endless supply of delicious…

Excuse me, I must grab a tissue.

Warning: slight pervertedness.

Secret Vice

Chapter 1

A shadow stealthily moved across the kitchen, sneaking across the hardwood floor careful of every creak and crack. A black gloved hand opened the fridge, lighting up the shadowed figure. A black mask covered its face with only two blue eyes visible. The mysterious figure used its other hand to take out a jar with a blue and white label written in a foreign language. The figure carefully placed the jar in the cradle of its arms and softly closed the door, once again enclosing the kitchen in darkness.

Once again the shadowed person was on the move, only this time for the exit. The black figure moved in and out of the shadows, swift and silent towards the front door. Once there, the dark figure placed its precious cargo onto the ground to silently unlock the bolted door. Slowly, the shadow opened the door not expecting the slight screech of the rusted hinges. The figure froze, listening for movement, but there was no sound, except for the tic and toc of the clock and the soft musical chirping of crickets. It deemed everything safe, before taking the light burden out of the house and gently locked the door.

Going unnoticed, the thief resumed towards its goal, an old wooden structure that housed great and mysterious power. Sliding the shoji door open and then closed behind it, then it proceeded towards the stairs slowly descending into darkness. The purpose of the wooden building became clear as the figure straddled the lip of a well.

Both hands clutching the jar, the dark figure jumped into what seemed to be a bottomless pit. Emerging at the bottom of the well, the thief placed the jar into a large ghastly yellow bag before climbing up the vines.

Upon reaching the top, the dark figure took off the black mask, revealing a young beautiful woman. She smiled as she placed the bag beside the well, instantly digging in to find the jar.

She grabbed the jar, pulled it out while trying to break the seal; unfortunately, the seal stayed stubborn and held strong. Gently placing it on the ground, she dug into the back pulling out a compact knife. She then turned to the blue jar and tapped the lid four times.

Immediately after, she twisted the lid with ease.

Reveling in the smell coming out of the jar, the young woman placed the jar between her legs as she slipped her black gloves off. Slowly her shaking hand reached down into the jar grabbing onto the first pickle. She lifted it up to her nose, closed her eyes while taking in a deep breath as she licked her lips and swallowed.

The world around her disappeared; it was just her and the pickle.

She then brought the pickle down towards her mouth, her tongue flicking out to taste the tip. Her tongue ran along the pickle from one end to the other all the while moaning in delight.

Pretty soon, the juice residue from the jar was licked clean, and she was prepared to take the first bite. She wrapped her lips around the large pickle giving it one last lick before…

“Miko, if this Sesshoumaru had known of your enthusiasm, I would have honored you with my services.”