Untamed by criticat

Prompt: wings

This drabble was written for Riku Ryuu's Random Prompts.

Standard disclaimer applies. I do not own Inuyasha.

Prompt: wings

Words: 100

Beta: Maryse. Thank you very much!

The woman smiled at being recognized and turned, walking away, the folds of her dress swirling around her lithe limbs, the billowing fabric on her back nearly being mistaken for wings. His chest tightened at the almost tragic sight, she was many things, but poignant was never one of them. He missed her incredibly, more than he would ever care to admit even to himself. He knew that he should not give in, it was likely a trap, judging by the recycled phrases of the ghostly woman but for a moment, he found himself forgetting that. 

“Wait,” he frowned, “Kimiko.”