How To Achieve Happiness by House_Of_Eternal_Moon


Prompt: Time

Word Count: 625

A week after the kitten adoption, Kagome is found sitting in her room, in nothing but sweats, when Sesshomaru walks in. “Hey Sess,” Kagome says as a sneeze rips through her body. “You might not want to come in, I’m sick.” Kagome got out before a coughing attack tore through her body. Kirara, the new kitten laid by Kagome’s side, purring and trying to make her feel better.

Not deterred at all Sesshomaru closed her door and walked over to the bed. He sat down, pulling Kagome into his lap. “Nonsense, you are my fiancée, and soon you will be my wife. I will be near you no matter what,” Sesshomaru said, tightening his hold when he felt Kagome shiver.

Kagome just nodded her head, when suddenly Rin popped into her head. “Where’s Rin? I thought she’d be home by now?”

“Father requested to spend some time with his granddaughter, so for the Rin’s fall break; she’s spending it at Father’s reclusive cabin.”

Kagome nodded against Sesshomaru’s chest, feeling just a bit better that Rin wouldn’t be here while she was sick. Just knowing that Rin wouldn’t catch the bug and still be healthy made the world to Kagome. “I do have to say though, Father has been asking for a wedding date. He and his wife are anxious to see Inuyasha and I finally married. I told him we’d talk about it and try to let him know when he brings Rin home.”

“I’d love to talk about-,” Kagome started, until another sneeze tore through her body. “Sorry. I’d love to talk about the wedding. Maybe tomorrow though. I think I need some sleep.”

“Rest, love. I’ll be here holding onto you.”

Hearing that and feeling the warmth of Sesshomaru’s embrace, Kagome fell asleep into a Nyquil induced sleep, hoping that tomorrow when she woke up she’d feel better.


Sesshomaru strummed his fingers, checking the time on his watch again. It was nearly one o’clock, and Kagome was running late for their lunch date. The day after she was sick, she said she was feeling better and had some errands to run and would meet him for lunch at a quarter till. Now it was five till the hour. He was starting to feel a bit nervous when he saw her figure running up the sidewalk, calming him instantly.

As she came in, the hostess held her up. After a few minutes of conversation, and Kagome getting positively madder at the hostess, she was finally able to reach Sesshomaru.

“What did the hostess want?”

“Nothing dear.”

“Kagome,” Sesshomaru growled.

“Fine. She didn’t believe that ‘a girl like me’ could get ‘a guy like him.’ She insisted that I was in the wrong place and that I should leave before embarrassing myself. So I just told her if she kept that up I’d talk to her manager, she quieted down and I came to join you.”

“What made you late in the first place?”

“I can’t tell you.”

Sesshomaru shot her a look saying you better tell me or else.

“I can’t! It’s a surprise for our wedding. Speaking of, we need to set a date. Its early October now, I was thinking maybe a beautiful winter wedding, what do you think?”

“Hn. December would be a good month, it could work.”

“What about December 10th?”

Sesshomaru nodded his consent. The rest of the lunch was spent conversing times and possible places. When lunch was over, Kagome made her way back to her best friend Sango’s dojo. “Will you be my Matron of Honor?” was the only question Kagome was able to get out before her friend squealed and hugged her for all she was worth. Kagome took that as a yes.

Two in one day! I'm happy. And thank you to all who review. Your comments make me smile and feel that I am a good writer. Hope you liked it!!!