Learning by Kanahi


Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters from Inuyasha. Any oc characters I add into my story, are however, mine.

Author's Note: This is my first time writing in a long time. I hope you all have a little patience with it, it might feel like you're thrown into the story already, but I promise I will come back and touch up on everything so that there are no loose ends. Thank you all so much for reading, and a special thanks to Luna for beta-ing this chapter. Please review if you can!



            "Do it," a voice dared her.

            Her eyes narrowed at his challenge and her grip tightened on the smooth frame of her trusted bow. A finely fletched arrow was notched, suspended in air as it quivered with the weight of her decision.

            'What do I do?' her mind questioned. Her eyes flickered from the distorted body of Naraku to the fear-filled eyes of the small human girl. The soft brown eyes pleaded with her own to rescue her from this evil being, and she could feel the tug on her soul to save her. 'I can't let her die,' her mind firmly resolved, 'She doesn't deserve it.'

            "Let her go, Naraku," Kagome said in a threatening tone.

            "Or what?" he jeered back at her with a disgusting smirk.

            "I'll kill you," Kagome stuttered. Her mind screamed at her to run, forgetting its resolve from earlier. But her heart kept her feet still. She would not turn on this little girl and run like a coward. She would stay and she would fight. She would do whatever it took to get the innocent girl back to safety, even if it meant giving up her life.

            "Sounds interesting, my little miko, but are you sure you can do that all by yourself?" Naraku chuckled darkly. Her anger flared a bit at his snide comment. She could hear the words of Inuyasha in her mind.



            "You dumb wench! What the hell did you think you were doing?!" an angered Inuyasha screamed, merely inches from her face.

            "I-I-I was trying to help, Inuyasha, I'm sorry," she mumbled, tears brimming in her eyes.

            "Sorry? You think that sorry's gonna bring back Kikyo?!" he yelled, enraged with her confession.

            "Inuyasha, I'm sorry, I didn't mean for her to take the blow for me," Kagome all but whimpered.

            "She died because of you!" Inuyasha roared accusingly at her, and she could feel every trace of heartbreak in his words. Her heart felt like it was being yanked from her chest. She could feel the tears freely falling down her face as she stared at Inuyasha's fiery amber orbs.

            "I'm sorry, Inuyasha," she whispered, her throat thick with pain.

            "You're pathetic, Kagome. You can't even keep your own sorry ass out of trouble. And now Kikyo has paid the price for her compassion of weak creatures. First it was me, and now it is you. I hate you, Kagome," he stated in a flat tone. His face was twisted with pain, regret, and anger. She couldn't bear to look anymore. Bolting upright so fast that it made her head spin, Kagome raced out into the forest, not caring what found her, even death.




            "I can and I will defeat you, Naraku," she replied, staring straight into his crimson eyes. Without a sign, Kagome let her arrow go. It flew straight for Naraku's arm, disintegrating it on contact. He let out a howl of agony and dropped the little girl. As fast as her legs would take her, Kagome raced to the little girl between herself and Naraku. Upon reaching the girl, Kagome saw the relieved look in her eyes and knew that it was all worth it; she knew that the life of an innocent would always be worth it. Pushing the girl behind herself, Kagome braced herself for Naraku's assault.

            "Meddlesome wench," Naraku breathed, his miasma seeping from his newly acquired wound. The fog advanced in their direction and Kagome placed a barrier around herself and the girl. She eyed the thick purple mist warily as it closed in on her barrier. An energy reaction like static occured when Naraku's poison made contact with Kagome's holy energy. A furious growl reached her ears as she saw whatever was left of Naraku's human form begin to change into a dark, sickly looking youkai. His assault began anew.

            His tentacles lashed out at her, one after the other, never giving her an opportunity to do anything but defend herself and her new ward. Her barrier held, but she could feel herself weakening from his attacks. She knew Naraku could feel her depleting energy. She had to figure out how to escape soon. 

            Panting, she pushed herself off the ground. Naraku had withdrawn his tentacles and was gazing at her with bemused eyes. She felt the hairs on her neck begin to cackle with the energy of her anger. She concentrated and felt her powers surge under her skin. Closing her eyes, she drew her powers, collecting every last drop from within her to kill Naraku. Notching an arrow, she aimed for Naraku's heart, knowing that without it, he could not regenerate. Kagome filled her arrow with her miko energy and hoped that the kamis were watching over her. Letting go, she felt her energy leave her, making her collapse on the floor. She watched with lidded eyes as a light engulfed Naraku.

            'I did it,' she thought, astounded with herself. For once, she did something right. Her eyes began to close before she felt a sharp pain through her abdomen. Looking down she saw that she was impaled on one of Naraku's disfigured tentacles. Her scarlet blood dripped down his appendage and black spots began to fill her vision. She could see Naraku's triumphant face sneering at her, and she felt weak, more so than at any other time in her life. Again, she had let someone down.

            "I'm sorry, Rin," she whispered, blood spurting from her mouth. Her eyes began filling with hot tears as he chest heaved ruggedly with her breathing.

            "O-o-onee-san!" Rin screamed, her face contorted with pain as tears began falling down her cheeks.

            "Shhh..."Kagome slurred, her mouth filling up with her own blood.

            "Onee-san, don't go. Please, onee-san! Don't leave Rin alone," she cried freely.

            Her sobs broke Kagome's heart. She didn't want to leave, but she had to. She had nothing left to give, her time was up. With a final sigh, Kagome let her eyes flutter, noticing a glint of silver before everything went dark.