How to cheat at strip poker by amy

How to cheat at strip poker

I do not own Inuyasha

It was mating season, and Kagome and Sesshoumaru were playing strip poker, drinking demon sake while they played.

Sesshoumaru was playing by the rules for two rounds, and then he started cheating!

As he put the best cards at the bottom, and pulls them up one by one.

As Kagome was slowly losing clothes, a piece at a time, she noticed that her husband was still dressed.

Then she noticed that he was drawing all the best cards from the bottom!

The Great Lord of the West was cheating!

So she stood up and said,

“If you wanted to see me naked all you had to do was ask, I am your wife and it is mating season!”

“But I like winning at everything I do”


“Let me help you to win then………” As she walked over to him and began to strip him down as far as she was……..

Then she crashed her lips on his, and sat on his very prominent erection and rode him like an unbroken stallion out of his stables………..

Afterward, he noticed her scent had changed, she was pregnant!