Pink Eye by Imanewme

Pink Eye

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha. The series and characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi. I make no profit from these stories. They are merely my interpretation of the characters for entertainment purposes.

Kagome moaned as she put yet another warm wet rag on her puffy eyes.

"Conjunctivitis." The doctor told her, "You probably know it as 'pink eye'."

"What! Pink eye? You've got to be kidding. That's what kids get, not adults!"

"Miss Higurashi, although it is more common for children to contract conjunctivitis, it's not that unusual for adults to get it, too. Do you have any children?"


"Do you work in a profession where there are a lot of children around?"


"Well, at any rate, you've somehow gotten a very unusual strain of bacteria in your eyes. Tell me, Miss Higurashi, did something poke you in the eye shortly before the symptoms appeared?"

Kagome blushed as the previous night of passion danced in her memory. The nibbles, the kisses, and Sesshoumaru's very large erection in her face.... blushing instantly, Kagome shook her head no quickly.

"Ah well, then, we'll just have to wait for the culture to come back from the lab. Until then, put these drops in your eye three times a day. We'll call you if the results tell us you need something stronger, okay?"

"Thank you, doctor."