Pure Poison by Lady Kirara

Reinventing the Classics - The Dog and the Miko

Prompt: Reinventing the Classics

Word Count: 500

Summary: No one can be a friend if you know not whether to trust or distrust him. CU

Posted: 3.21.11

Disclaimer: Inu and Co. belong to Rumiko Takahashi. I own nothing but the ideas and voices in my head. :3

A/N: This story was based off of The Dog and the Hare part of Aesops Fables (which I also do not own). And I wanted to thank both Walter205 and Sakura Dragon for helping me with some factual information from the anime.

The Dog and the Miko

The first time they met Kagome was shocked when Sesshoumaru had tried to kill her. He didn’t even know her. The only thing he did know in that moment was that she had his father’s fang, the one he wanted, in her tiny imperfect human hands.

She was flailing it around like some petty trinket. Had she known its true value she would not have been so careless. He sought to take it from her then but his pathetic fool of a half-brother got in his way.

He should have killed her then, should have torn her apart, but no.


Again they met and again Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru fought. Kagome couldn’t understand why. It was a stupid sword for goodness sake. There was hundreds upon hundreds in the world for these two feuding idiots to have. Sesshoumaru had almost killed Inuyasha this time and Kagome was left with no choice.

Stringing her bow she let the arrow fly. It grazed a piece of his armour but no serious damage had been done. Turning his focus on her he made to attack her once again.

He hadn’t killed her then and she often wondered why. He wanted to, but he didn’t.


Kagome had become accustomed to the fighting and feuding of the two siblings, and tried to stay out of it as long as possible. After watching Sesshoumaru successfully render Inuyasha unconscious again, she intervened on her friend’s behalf.

He began to walk away and leave them there to fend for themselves. After failing to get her point across she huffed and watched him go. He was an enigma, that’s all there was to it. And she couldn’t decide whether to hate him or admire him for it.

The human was rude, insufferable, and ignorant. He needed to kill her. Soon.


When they met Mukotsu she thought she’d died. There was absolutely no other explanation. Sesshoumaru had saved her life, and he’d done it of his own free will. He had destroyed Mukotsu with Tokijin and had inadvertently saved her life as well.

When he left her there she had to wonder if he’d done it on purpose, or if he was still biding his time. She knew he hated her because of Inuyasha. And the fang, the damn sword seemed to be the root of hatred between them.

He was patient, he could bide his time, until the opportune moment.


She couldn’t take it anymore. She had to know just what the hell he wanted with her. The final battle was nearing and she couldn’t live in fear that someone she thought she should be able to trust really wanted her dead. He could have killed her hundreds of times and yet here she stood, still breathing.

When she questioned him nothing gave away his inner thoughts. His eyes showed nothing. She had hoped to learn something. She knew he wouldn’t answer. But she saw nothing. No contempt, no victory. Nothing.

As he walked away she heard him mutter, “Hnn.”