Who Would Have Thought by FallenTenchi

Taunting on a Winter's Night

Disclaimer: Inuyasha's characters are the property of Rumiko Takashi

A/N : It might be a little while before the next chapter comes, not because I dont have inspiration anymore, but because I busted my shoulder on friday night and haven't been able to write since - writing this author's note is painful enough... I can't imagine a whole chapter... So to hold you out for a little while ... here is the next instalment for Who Would Have Though - Reviews and VERY welcome....




As the autumn days changed into winter nights the relationship between Kagome and Sesshomaru became something resembling a lot like friendship. They had “long talks” about everything and nothing in particular. Of course, most of the time, during those conversations, the young girl often felt like she had to pry the information out of the Demon Lord and more often than not her questioning led her in a direction that she just didn’t want to go.

One wintery night, while there was a raging winter storm outside, inside the comfort of their shared home, Sesshomaru had been reading the paper and while Kagome had been job searching online after receiving her visa, the girl turned to the demon lord that sat on the couch behind her to the left.

“Sesshomaru, may I ask you a question?”

“Isn’t that what you just did?” he answered without looking up

“Yes but I meant another question.” She replied giving him a meaningful look that he never saw.

“Hn-Hn” he accepted while still somewhat ignoring the girl by not looking at her.

“Why haven’t you found a special someone?” she questioned softly as she examined his face with a small smile.

“Why do you ask?” the demon responded.

“Well I’ve been here for the past … What?  Six or seven months, and you have yet to bring back someone home to… Well you know. Since the winter is well underway and mating season is almost here for you demons… I was wondering if you were in a relationship with someone.” She answered, bringing her left foot on the chair, hugging her leg to her chest and positioning her chin on her knee.

“Fair enough.  I have yet to find a mate because none of the females out there are good enough for me.” He retorted simply, still reading the paper.

“Well aren’t we Mister Presumptuous! Have you even looked?” she asked, annoyed at his answer.

“Why should I?” He responded, finally looking up at the girl that sat on the swivelling computer chair to his right.

“Because you might be surprise of whom you may find.” She said, completely taken aback again by his answer. “I presume you don’t want to stay by your lonesome self for ever!” she continued.

“You presume wrong.” He replied, putting aside his journal.

“What do you mean I presume wrong? You’d rather be alone then be with someone?” she enquired.

“Yes.” Was his stoic answer.

“Surely you have needs. No?” she pushed on.

“Yes I do.” He retorted without elaborating

“And what? You just masturbate?!” As the M word left her lips, a rosy blush crept up her cheeks to her ears and travelled down her throat to her chest where her shirt hid any progression it might make further down her body. Her left hand flew to her mouth covering it and her eyes grew as big as saucer, conveying the surprise the girl felt as she just couldn’t believe the words that had left her lips.

Seeing her antics and the astounded look on her face brought a small smile on his lips . The young woman should really learn not to speak so much. She certainly had a special ability of putting herself in situations like these.  “For your answer, since you seem so interested in my sex life, “ he quibbled “I take pleasure when ever it is offered but I don’t go looking for it.” He levelled her with a look before asking “Are you offering?” he asked knowing full well he was taunting her.

Plugging her ears she started LALALA’ing demonstrating very clearly to the Daiyoukai that she didn’t want to listen anymore, before getting up from the chair in the living room, had making her way three doors down the hallway to her bedroom, closing the door shut behind her.

Looking at her departing back, Sesshomaru tried to hide his mirth by picking up the daily news and pretended to read it as a full smile played on his lips. The girl was too easy to tease, it should be illegal to have so much fun tormenting someone.


Written for the Dokuga_Contest Seasons Challenge - Prompt: Winter

Word count:  687

Hopefully you enjoyed it! Again PLEASE Review !  Reviews are food for thoughts....