Here for Your Entertainment by Naraku


Disclaimer: I do not gain profits nor do I own any of the characters from the Inuyasha Series.. If I did.. things would be a lot different. (: All rights belong to Rumiko Takahashi. <33

Authors Note: It's been a long time coming. It's honestly been years since I've written anything. These are my attempts to get back into the swing of things. Enjoy~ (;

Written for Dokuga's GMDDN 03/12/2011

Prompt: Lazy  [291 words]

   Lazily, a miko reclined on her plush bedroll, thoroughly enthralled by the latest smutty reading material she had brought with her through the well that connected two times together.

   Being like any teenage girl with hormones and who read books filled with mentions of naked men in all their glory, she took matters into her own hands, or hand as it were and decided a little  pleasuring wouldn't cause any harm.. that was as long as she stayed quiet about it.   

   Inuyasha,  who had apparently seen the unearthly glow from a certain clay pots soul stealers in the forest earlier that evening, was obviously no where to be found and likely off having a tryst with the un-dead miko.

   Her friends and adoptive son had already said their good nights and were already fast asleep, leaving Kagome to her own devices to which she was kinda glad about.

   It meant she could unwind from the stress-filled day of listening to a certain hanyou bitch about something or other. So relaxing back into her covers, she took to caressing her flesh, imagining herself as one of the heroines in the book she had just put down, allowing her eyes to close to increase the sensation of touch as her imagination ran away from her.

   Unfortunately for her, she was too wrapped up in her imagination to notice the caress of a certain demon lords youki brushing against hers, and was thus caught red-handed.. with a hand down her pants, and a ripe tomato color to her face when the demon lord walked into the campsite with his retainer and charge in toe, said retainers squawk of disbelief ripping her from her fantasy and triggering a scream loud enough to wake the dead...