When Rights are Wrongs by Vonne

Drabbles One, Two, and Three

I don’t own Inuyasha and most likely never will.

So many people have re-vamped the Little Mermaid and never finished it, so I decided to give it a go and see how it all goes down.

Prompt: Echo

-Drabble One: When it All Begins-

Touga’s tail flicked as he moved about the large library, sliding scroll after scroll out of its place only to return it. He wasn’t absolutely sure what he was looking for, but instinct had gotten him to where he was and so he certainly wouldn’t deny its impatient pulse now.

As his rather large hand wrapped around the end of one of the many manuscripts, a sudden jolt was sent up his spine. Found it, he thought, shuddering away the aftershock. Golden eyes took a glance at the title and the thin paper was almost dropped. It was his story, his and Izayoi’s.

What could possibly be the reason for unearthing this long lost scroll? Nothing. There could absolutely be no possible goal that would be achieved from his discovery of—the sound of ripping paper echoed off of the library walls. Touga gulped.

Downstairs, the voices of his two sons arguing could be heard.


Prompt: Launch

-Drabble Two: When the Youngest Shows His Logic-

“You’re insane!” Inuyasha yelled at his brother, who looked rather unperturbed by his outburst.

“There are many who would disagree.”

“Feh! Goin’ to some crazy Witch just to go to the surface and thank some human princess definitely goes under the ‘crazy’ category, Sess.”

“The definition of ‘honor’ states otherwise,” the elder merman stated, clearly going to go with his plan whether his brother was against it or not. Said person felt the urge to launch any object in reach at him.

 He understood this whole ‘code of honor’ that their father had drilled into both his sons, more so his eldest, but this was just ridiculous! So what if they had been on good terms with the surface people recently? Going to The Witch was practically suicide, and going to her with every intention of getting what you needed would probably send you on a trip to hell. The only problem was that ‘trip’ wouldn’t guarantee your return.

And not coming back meant Inuyasha would get the throne, not the oh-so-perfect Sesshomaru. It would be hell for the older, but an eternity of torture for the younger.

“You must know by now that your opinion means little to me. Your mate, on the other hand, has knowledge of The Witch’s new location. I will obtain this information with or without your consent,” and everyone knew that lying wasn’t in the merman’s plans.

Groaning, Inuyasha turned around and began his hunt for Kikyo.


Prompt: Pity

-Drabble Three: When the Witch’s Location is Confirmed -

As the two mer-people watched the young prince swim away, a sigh was emitted from the female.

“Kikyo, are you sure the Witch won’t kill him?”

Said mermaid turned her gaze towards her mate. “If his intentions are true,” she murmured, “Then all will be well. You forget, Inuyasha that the Witch has not caused any civilians to go… missing for the past few years.” Her eyes glanced back at the direction Sesshomaru left, suddenly clouding up with something akin to pity. “I just pray that he will realize his mistake before it’s too late.”

“Why the hell did you make me swear not to tell him, then?”

A grim smile overtook Kikyo’s face. “The Witch.”

Inuyasha groaned, “Fuck, I forgot that you’re the only one who can hold a normal conversation with that wench…”

“Don’t be rude, mate,” she scolded, “And I am definitely not the only one. My half-sister commutes with her as often as I do, if not more.”

He grumbled under his breath, but easily wrapped his arms around her in an intimate embrace. “How come I haven’t heard of this sister of yours?”

Laughing, the mermaid turned in his arms and quickly kissed his jaw. “She is The Witch’s assistant. I doubt anyone would approve of that occupation, so I kept quiet.”


Next Chapter: Drabble Four and Five