Life for Straw by Riku Ryuu

The Facts of Lying

Hi! I am happy to bring you another story, but sad to say that I have been distracted from my other work. I'll get back to them... someday. Anyway, this is based on the Rumpelstiltskin story told by the Brothers Grimm. I don't own the that, just like I don't own Inuyasha.



“This jewel allows the wearer to travel through time.”

Kagome gave a sigh as she heard her grandfather’s words. The men around him looked at the jewel with expressions ranging from amazement and awe to fear, as if the little necklace could possibly be used for evil. Kagome walked forward and slammed her empty tray down in front of her only living family member.

“Don’t believe a word he says.” She cautioned the men. “He is a compulsive liar.”

“Kagome! Is that any way to treat your elder?” He huffed out. Kagome noticed him slide the jewel, really an old necklace he found on the side of the road, into his pocket while the people around him were distracted. “I do not lie!”

“Sure Gramps, whatever you say.” She rolled her eyes and picked the tray up again. She headed for the kitchen, unaware of the eyes of the men following her retreat. All of the men approved of the flattering knee length blue dress, but most of them wished that it was more on the short side and that her black stalking would just disappear so as to leave her legs bare to their gaze. Kagome’s grandfather quickly got their attention back with another tall tale.

Kagome was well aware that no matter what she said people always came to listen to the ramblings of her grandfather. She might have been more upset with his obvious falsehoods, but not only did they bring business to their struggling restaurant, the lies were always harmless enough. Most everyone around knew them to be false, so really what they came for was fiction.

Getting the next order, Kagome gave the cook, also her best friend, Sango a quick smile before going back out to deliver the food.  For hours Kagome continued to work, smiling at each person as they ordered and being kind to everyone in her path. No one would have guessed that the bottoms of her feet were just huge aches and that her lower back was one solid itch.

Kagome did not mind the work, she knew that it had to be done, and so she ignored the aches and pains and continued on with her duty. Kagome thought of how much money they had. If she worked extra hard for the next few weeks, the restaurant could possibly hire another worker…

Her tray almost fell to the floor when her eyes fell on the man sitting across from her grandfather. Silver hair dripped down his back, longer than even her own waist length locks. A red coat covered the man from the chill of the harsh January winds and Kagome knew enough to figure out it was a designer brand. Horror filled her as she pieced the features together and recognized it as the face of the Prince of the Western. She had seen it in a newspaper, but never had she thought to see someone so well known in her family’s restaurant. And the fact that he was sitting with her grandfather meant trouble.

The Prince’s eyes moved from her grandfather and fell on her instead. A smirk bloomed and he stood up.

“You Kagome?” He asked bluntly.

“I am.” Kagome gave him a lopsided smile, not quite sure what to make of him.

“Your Gramps told me all ‘bout you. Is it true?” His grin widened at the confusion that crossed Kagome’s face.

“Is what true?”

“Can you make straw into gold?”

Kagome wanted to laugh at the very idea that she could do anything of the sort. If she could make straw into gold, why in the world wasn’t she the richest woman around? Did he think that she could not afford straw? Well… actually, straw prices were up pretty high lately… But Kagome pushed that thought away. It was completely ridiculous to think that a human could have that kind of power. She might understand if it was a Youkai, but she remembered that the Prince was a Hanyou so he would know she was nothing more than normal.

“I can’t-”

“And of course, you must already know what happens to people that lie to royalty.” Inuyasha interrupted, a gleam entering his eyes that Kagome thought might be… amusement?

“No, I don’t.” She said truthfully. Never expecting to meet a royal, of course she would not know anything to do with them.

“Let’s just say your Gramp’s life depends on it.”

Kagome’s eyes widened.

“Isn’t that a little extreme?” She choked out. Her mind was racing for some way out of the problem but it was coming up blank. Inuyasha scoffed.

“No. Now is the old man telling the truth or not?” He asked gruffly, the smirk not leaving his lips. Kagome wanted to find the nearest trash can and throw up.

“Yes.” She said shakily. If it meant keeping her grandfather safe Kagome was willing to break any law, even if it meant her life was forfeited.

“Then come with me.”


There! I hope you liked it and I'll try to get the next chapter up soon. I would love to hear from you all, just know that some things that confuse you now will be explained all in good time.

Thank you.