Moonlight Traveling by FallenTenchi

Pouring Rain

I do NOT own any of the Inuyasha's characters ----

Kagome’s feet was barely touching the forest floor, both hands were wrapped around the Lords wrist as the modern girl tried her best to breathe with Sesshomaru’s finger around her throat.  However, contrary to what the Lord would have thought, the miko didn’t clawed at his wrist, trying to free herself.  Rather, she was just hanging there, looking at him with doe eyes full of unshed tears.  She truly thought she wanted to die.  He could see that now.  That didn’t mean he liked it.  A growl rumbled in his chest, making the miko’s eyes widen in some emotion that he couldn’t understand.  Her eyes, the softest chocolate brown he had ever seen, seemed to intensify with emotions, as second trickled away.

For a fleeting moment, he wondered what the miko was thinking about while she was looking at him.  It was a momentary lap of judgment, he told himself.  Surely, the Great Lord of the Western Land wouldn’t lower himself to wondering about a Miko… certainly not Inuyasha’s miko.  That was inconceivable!

Yet, in that fleeting moment, Sesshomaru had been curious – if such a thing was possible for his Great Lordship.  Kagome raised an eyebrow, not unlike one of his, and the moment past.  He let go of her neck, as if her skin had burned him, and Kagome fell to the forest ground.

Standing there, looking at her from above, a whiff of salty tears came to his sensible nose as a breeze picked up.  It would rain soon, he thought to himself, before turning to go.  God forbid anyone should come by her; but if they did, then his scent would keep them away.

He had taken a few footsteps before he heard her small voice speaking to him, almost calling the Great Lord back to her miserable self.  “See, I’m not good enough, even for you, to kill.” the girl said quietly.  “Leave… just leave.  Let’s hope for some other demon, a very hungry demon, to pass by.  Maybe he’ll have the guts to kill me.”  The last sentence was said with resentment, as if she was taunting him or even daring him to kill her.  “Believe me, Miko; you do not want to dare me.  Keep quiet before I change my mind about walking away from your pitiful self without killing you.”  Sesshomaru said in a monotone voice.

Before he could turn around again the girl had spoken again this time with ferocity in her tone.  “Maybe it’s what I want; for you to change your mind.  Ever thought of that mister I’m-better-then-you-loathed-breed-of-nigen?”  She huff and puff before picking herself up from the forest ground and walking right up to him, continuing her speech.  “Did you know that in 500 years from now, nigen will have surpassed all you powerful Youkai.  None of you will survive!”  The shock wave that her affirmation did to him was, without a doubt, the scariest feeling he ever felt – Not that the Great Lord would ever admit to it.  Yet, her words ring true.  Already, the nigen population had almost quadruple in the last twelve moons and if this continued, he could see himself outnumbered, and quickly too.  The thought was preposterous!  Yet, as she continued talking, the Lord only registered a few words here and there.  His only answer to her was “Hn” when he thought she was done, but oh boy, was he wrong.  “So, Mister I’m-too-sexy-for-my own-good, you better believe me when I tell you, be nice to nigen, or eat your heart out later!”  She said stomping her foot.  This time his very stoic facade cracked as one silver eyebrow shot up.  Had she just...  No, there was no way she had just admitted what he thought she had.

Taking a step closer to her, he narrowed his eyes, and for a second he saw her flinch, as if the idea of dying wasn’t so pleasant after all, and then she relax, accepting her faith so willingly it almost made him proud…  ALMOST.

“Repeat what you have just said to this Sesshomaru.”  His baritone voice past his lips without his consent, and, before he could stop, the question was out in the open between them.  “I told you…” but then realization must have came to her, because her cheeks suddenly became pink… no, not pink but a deeper shade of red… and redder as he was sure she was reviewing her little speech in her head. He heard her take a very shaky breathe and waited for her to speak again.  When nothing came, he blinked once, then twice, before a growl escaped him.  “Isaidthatyousexydemonshouldbenicetonigenlikeme!” she said in one breath.  How she did it, he had no idea.  Nigen’s breathing system was not meant to keep a lot of air in, that much he knew.  He had killed many nigen by keeping air out of their system. Yet here in front of him was a very nigen woman that could speak very quickly without much breathing.

Narrowing his eyes even more, he took the last step he could take before touching her with his body.  It was then that her sent hit him full in the chest and in a lower region that should never be affected by the smell of female nigen scent. His body reacted even before he could stop it.  Her scent was mix with something sweet, something that his body had identified before his mind could process it.  Lust; desire to ...  it had been a long time since he had smelled something this sweet.  The miko usually smelled like vanilla and lavender, but this scent was as sweet as it was tangy.  Something he was unused to smell in female nigen when they saw him.  None of them had a mind to find him attractive.  All, except the one standing in from of him, had feared him, and for good reasons.  “Speak to me, miko.  Not in riddles this time.”  He heard her swallow and take a very shallow breath.  “I think some things are better left unsaid, my Lord.”  Her answer was simple and very diplomatic, but it was not what he had wanted to hear.  Losing control was out of question, but the battle with his beast was rapidly becoming impossible to win, even for the mighty Lord.  He had to do something before the irreparable happened.

“Miko,” he said; his voice barely recognizable with the beast’s voice combined to his.  He closed his eyes and leaned into the Miko before continuing what he was about to say.  “Repeat.  This Sesshomaru’s patience is none-existing.”  When he opened his eyes, he realized the Kagome was looking at him with her head tilted to the side, exposing her neck to his watering mouth.  It wouldn’t take much movement on his part to take her.

When she saw his eyes, bleeding red, her head snapped back in place, and her back straighten, but, curiously enough, he could tell that his eyes only accomplished to make her hunger for him worst.  The scent of her desire recoiled, only to come back with a punch… in his lower stomach.  Kami she smelt good!  Control was lost to the beast as it leaned closer to her and nuzzled her hair near her jaw.  It did not take long before she let her head tip to the side again, giving him full access to her neck and collarbone.  The little moans of appreciation that could be heard, were all his beast needed to nestle her close to his body. Kagome’s hand wrapped themselves around his shoulder, holding herself up, as her knees bucked underneath her. She felt like putty in his hand, and he could not help but wonder if she ever had been putty in anyone’s arms before.

Wrapping his arms around her, his hands traveled north and south on her body.  The hand going north nestled at the back of her head, tilting it to have better access of her neck as he nibbled and kissed his way from her earlobe, down her jaw line, further down her neck and collarbone. Little moans of pleasure were coming from the ningen in his arms. The more he nibbled and kissed the more the moans were coming in a higher pitch indicating her appreciation of his ministration.

 The hand going south gripped her hip and pressed her body to his to make her understand how much his body needed her, before going to her derriere, squeezing one cheek before traveling lower to her right thigh.  He wanted, no needed her closer to him. Wrapping his hand around her thigh, he raised her leg up his side, letting his hand journey on her leg to settle behind her knee. He felt her leg wrapped around him, bringing her core closer to his growing member.  An anticipation he did not know he could feel grew inside his chest. 

Growling low in his throat, he inclined her backwards, kissing his way down her collarbone to reach the valley of her breast.  When her shirt hindered his process to more interesting parts of her anatomy, Sesshomaru let go of her thigh and button by button, he dissolved each one of them with his poison, making sure none of it touched her skin.  It was then he discovered something he had never seen in his life.  It was holding her breast high and together, making them look deliciously lush and scrumptiously … lick-able.  And the Great Lord did just that.  Bring his head to the top of the valley of her breast, he licked his way south, then nibbled on the swell each breast made while still being held by the wonderful contraption the miko was wearing.

Meows of pleasure where coming from Kagome’s throat, even as she pressed her lips together trying to keep her sounds of pleasure to a minimum of decibels. Her hands were traveling on Sesshomaru’s back, sides, hips, to finally find a way to his stomach where she suddenly realized she had no idea how the hell to untie/undo Sesshomaru’s clothes.  Trying to take off his armor and in the same sequence trying to untie his, she gently pulled on both without results.  On several tries she pulled one way and then the other - nothing to do - everything was fixed and nothing would budge.  Freezing on place, her back went rigid.  The girl suddenly felt incredibly stupid; not only could she not undress the Taiyoukai, but she rapidly registered that said Taiyoukai was not kissing his way around her breast but was rather looking at her expectantly.  “Care to explain to me what you were trying to do, miko?” said the Lord with one eyebrow lifted in amusement.  Turning a flamboyant shade of red, the young woman tried hiding her face by turning her head to the side.  “Um… nothing.” The young woman answered in a small voice.   The hand that had been holding Kagome’s back moved slightly to her hip, before leaving her body entirely.

Kagome’s leg slipped down to the ground and afraid that he was going to leave her hanging, Kagome reached to grab Sesshomaru’s hand only to realize that the Great Lord’s feet hadn’t moved an inch from where they had been standing. Looking up to his face to see his reaction to her touching his person, Kagome realized that he was looking down at their joined hands. Looking down at their hands, the modern girl took an hesitant breath.  She was about to say something when she heard what she thought was a purr… but it couldn’t be! Wasn't Sesshomaru a dog? The girl licked her dried lips, as she was about to comment but no words were ever form. The Great Lord stole her breathe with a kiss that had her world shift on its axel. Untangleling her hand from his, she brought both hands up to rest on his armor clad chest but when her hands connected with a rock  hard, hot yet soft fleshy surface, Kagome lost track of anything else. 

The heat coming from their entwined bodies could’ve ignite a campfire, yet neither realized, as the yearning grew, how their gripping fingers and claws were ripping through what was left of  their clothing.  Skin on skin, their powers mingled and danced together, pink and blue forming a powerful mauve colored charge that was enveloping the lovers in their quest to getting closer to one another.  Their bodies connected in a hundred places yet they were still not satisfied.  Fingers locked together above her head, lips dancing against each another; at times, teeth pulling on their lips, beads of sweat forming on their skins, she arched her back trying to get closer to his engorged member.  Pants and moans could be heard through the forest.  Whispered names and groans echoed each another as the need for one another grew unbearable. 

As their body connected for the first time, Kagome took as big gulp of air and hissed. Stopping in his movement, he looked down at the woman beneath him, eyes recovering their normal color. “You, could have said something about this, nigen.” He said. Even to him, his voice sounded softer. Hovering his hand over her face, he brushed away a lock of hair that was on her forehead. “Are you alright, miko?” he asked, without realizing he meant it. He felt the woman beneath him take a huge breath before she nodded her head, eyes meeting hers, he saw something there he hadn’t seen in ages; Trust.

Feeling her move beneath him, he couldn’t help the automatic movement of his hips as he trusted in her heat repeatedly. A longing formed in his body as the first drop of rain fell on his back, pearling, before following the curve of his body and dropping between their connected bodies. Kagome’s little sighs and moans of encouragement made him see red. The tightening in he loins was like a ball of frustrated lust. He need a release but for the life of him, he couldn’t let go.  The Great Lord wanted to ningen beneath him to feel the pleasure of lust and release before he could let himself go.

 Kagome’s pleasure was gradually increasing from the initial shock of pain she had felt the first time Sesshomaru had penetrated her. The modern girl’s thoughts were blank as she felt the Lord of the Western Land kissing a trail from her jaw to her breast before catching one nipple in between his lips and sucking on the little buddle of joy.  The electric shock that travelled trough her body and nestled in her lower belly surprised her to the point of cry out in pleasure.  She had never felt such desire before.  A desire that was quickly becoming bigger then herself.

The miko was responding to every little touch and kiss that Sesshomaru did. Rising his head to look at the miko, the Great Lord’s left hand travelled from her right breast, where it had been resting, to her stomach and lower to her folds, just above their connected bodies, where his finger started  playing with her clitoris, making the miko scream out in pleasure.

The modern girl’s fingernails digging in Sesshomaru’s back, leaving trails of blood that were washed away by the rain that was rapidly falling on them,  he carried the miko to her breaking point, before himself coming in abundance.

Forehead resting on the miko’s shoulder, the Lord of the Western land recuperated a little  before removing himself from the woman beneath him. Kagome’s eyes were closed as if she was sleeping, but he knew from her rapid breathing, that she was not. Looking at their surrounding, the Taiyoukai was trying to pinpoint where was the nearest hot spring to clean himself.  Surely the Miko would also want to bathe before returning to the half-breed.

“You should bathe. There is a hot spring going west.” Sesshomaru said looking down at the woman beside himself. Opening one eye, she looked up at him and smiled. “I shall! As soon as my limbs starts working again.” Frowning,  the Great Lord , looked at the miko from head to toes to make sure nothing was broken before asking “Are you hurt, miko?”. Kagome got up on her elbows before shaking her head, smile growing  “No. Actually I was complimenting your prowess.”

The reaction she got out of the Taiyoukai was priceless.  A subliminal smile, before his stoic mask could cover it, fallowed by a twitch in his manly hood. “Hn!” was said in a self assured way before he continued by “But of course This Sesshomaru is good!”

Snorting a laugh, Kagome go up from the ground. “You know you are so full of yourself!” the miko said, smile still in place “You really should be careful, though.” She said soberly, “Humans will conquer your land, whether you want it or not.” The girl continued. “Eventually, none of you will exist… or at least I haven’t felt you.” She said looking at the Taiyoukai with a sad smile on her face.  Turning around, she left the Lord of the Western land to his thoughts and took the direction of the west where she found the hot spring within a mile.

Kagome had been bathing for a few minutes when she heard the rustling of  leaves and tree branches behind her. Turning around, her eyes fell on the rock hard nude body  of her one time lover. A small smile formed on her lips as she moved around to give him some space in the rather tiny hot spring.  The steam that was floating above the hot spring was intensified by the rain that was now pouring . Looking up at the Lord of the Western Land, the miko unintentionally brushed against his manhood, making it stand to attention. A growl of pleasure came out of Sesshomaru’s throat, making her check flame, before she move out of his way.     

“This Sesshomaru does not know if the threat you emitted is real Miko, but it is surely something that will need to be pondered in the coming sunrises.” The Taiyoukai said as he got closer to the young woman. Stopping in his track to Kagome, Sesshomaru turned his head to look over his shoulder as if he had heard something in the forest. “Your friends are coming.” he said as he got out of the hot spring. “Stay!” in the blink of an eye he was gone and the modern girl couldn’t hear where or in what direction he had gone.

A few minutes past, without a sound until, to her right, she heard rustling. Out came the Lord of the Western land, immaculately dressed and looking very much like the cold stoic bastard that she knew he could be. Dropping her shredded clothes beside the hot spring, Sesshomaru descended on one knee. Cupping her cheek, he looked at Kagome’s face with a minuscule smile on his.  “Don’t you ever cry for the hanyou.  The baka will never realize what a jewel he has traveling with him.”  The Taiyoukai said before getting up and leaving as the rain was thundering around them washing away any evidence of their moment together – only the concern parties would remember what happened on the night of the Moonlight Traveling.


Well this puts an end to the fanfiction ... Hopefully you enjoyed the ride - although it was long between the updates -  Please R&R - never forget that a authors like to know that people think of their "art"