Parenthood can be fun... by Hedda


Since my last foreword was rather long, I will keep this one short.

Prompt: hot chocolate (Dokuga_Contest Christmas Challenge)

Warning: May contain fluff...

Disclaimer: Characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi.

Originally posted on January 2nd 2011.

Have fun!


Stealth had always been one of his greatest strengths.

At the age of nine, he was in the middle of a period of growth. He ate a lot, yet he never seemed to be fully satisfied. His mother had often mocked his amount of consumed food, saying that there had to be a demon inside of him.

Therefore, he had decided to sneak into the kitchen at nights to avoid his scornful mother. Unfortunately, his younger brother Inuyasha always tried to mimic him and thus his nocturnal raids of the refrigerator were not as undisturbed as he had wished for.

At the age of fifteen, he was in the middle of puberty. It was a difficult time back then and he frequently shared arguments with his father. Regrettably, his sire had more pull. He was grounded very often which clashed utterly with his personal life.

Needless to say, that he had had more girlfriends in that time than any other phase of his life. His father was formidable in his own rights, but he was never as cunning and careful as himself. Otherwise his mother might not have filed divorce.

Now Sesshomaru was putting his ability into good use again. Quietly he tiptoed through the corridors of his fiancée’s parental home. It was in the middle of Christmas night, yet he did not dare to switch on the lights. He carefully rounded the smaller Christmas tree that stood in the hallway and entered the kitchen.

Only using the moon as a guide, Sesshomaru began his task. He had to open several wall cupboards until he found what he was looking for. He grabbed the small tin and poured its content into a small casserole. He added milk, turned on the hotplate and searched the drawers for a specific item. When the liquid was hot enough, he poured it into his fiancée’s favorite mug. He added a topping and silently as a shadow made his way back to the first floor.

“We have been waiting for you,” a soft female voice teased him.

When Sesshomaru entered her room, Kagome was sitting upright in her bed. He approached her carefully, for he did not want to spill anything.  Handing her the mug, he sat down next to her, his hand claiming his favorite place on her belly.

“Oh, Sesshomaru.”

Kagome’s gaze was focused on her hot chocolate. Placed on the creamed topping, there was a heart made of cocoa. The most beautiful smile crept on her face.

Stealth was one of his greatest strengths, however: It was his care for the detail and her that she loved so much.